Reference no: EM133220461
The purpose of this assignment is to build your machine learning project plan.
For this exercise, you can use any one of the example scenarios provided with a completely fictitious example of the problem. You will be developing a strategic plan for machine learning adoption within this company, and eventually proposing a structure for a successful machine learning project. You will start by describing your current overall state of machine learning readiness. You will then explain the business outcome your project is driving towards, and how business success will be evaluated. You will describe, at a high-level, what machine learning project you wish to undertake. Finally, you will outline the risks of this approach, in relation to your stage of readiness and the scope of the project.
• You are in the social media division of a political party, and you want to keep better track of the party's profile and reputation online.
• You are the head of the corporate client's division of a major health service provider chain, and you want corporate health applications decided faster and better.
• You are a software designer, and you want to use ML to improve the user experience. Answer the following questions
1. Provide a brief description of your company, industry, or business.
2. What business outcome are you supporting with your machine learning project? How is this outcome relevant and important for the company? How will you evaluate whether the desired outcome is being achieved?
3. What machine learning project will you propose to support this business outcome? At a high level, what will your machine learning model be doing? Make the case that this is a viable project (at least in theory) and relates to your overall business goals.
4. Given the state of readiness you have described and the scope of the project you're proposing, is this a risky project, broadly speaking?
That is, is it appropriate to the stage your company is at or will it provide particular challenges?