Developing strategic management and leadership skills

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Reference no: EM131649213 , Length: word count:1000

Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership

Developing Strategic Management & Leadership Skills

Assignment Brief

As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit an assignment for each module. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments.

After completing the module you should be able to:

LO1- Understand the relationship between strategic management and strategic leadership.
LO2- Be able to apply management and leadership theory to support organizational direction.
LO3- Be able to assess leadership requirements.
LO4- Be able to plan the development of leadership skills.

The purpose of this assignment is to:

Demonstrate the learner's understanding of the links between strategic management, leadership and organisational direction, and the skills to be able to apply this understanding.

Assignment Task

(Using an organisation you are familiar with answer the following. The organisation could be your current employer, former employer or one that you can researchas an example to underpin your arguments and evaluation.)

Write the background and the overview of the chosen company briefly in your case studyso that the purpose of the assignment will follow naturally after this section

Task 1
LO1: Understand the relationship between strategic management and leadership

1a. Explain how the leadershipsupports the strategic management of the chosen organizational and discuss the different roles between management and leadership. Analysethe impact of management and leadership styles on strategic decisions. (Assessment Criteria 1.1 and 1.2)
1b. Evaluate the appropriate leadership styles required to adapt the situations of economic recession and management succession of new leader (Assessment Criteria 1.3)

Task 2
LO2: Be able to apply management and leadership theory to support organisational direction

2a. Evaluate the impact of leadership on strategy in the chosen organization with the Contingency Theory or Transformational Leadership theory of management and leadership. (Assessment Criteria 2.1)

2b. Suggest a new leadership strategy should be adopted with justifications if you are the CEO of the chosen organizationin order to support the organizational direction. (Assessment Criteria 2.2)

Task 3
LO3: Be able to assess leadership requirements

3a.Explain the requirements of current leadership with external environmental influences for the success of the chosen organization. (Assessment Criteria 3.1)

3b. Identify and plan the leadershiprequired to deal with the differentemerging situations. (Assessment Criteria 3.2)

Task 4
LO4: Be able to plan the development of leadership skills

4a. Proposea development plan of leadership skills to address the needs of technological challenges in Twenty-First Century for the chosen organization. (Assessment Criteria4.1)

4b. Review and justify the methods used in the development plan of leadership skills for the chosen organisation.(Assessment Criteria4.2)

Student Guidelines
1. You should write this assignment in report form by addressing each and every task in numerical order e.g. Task 1 (a), (b) etc. and include:
- Title Page
- Content Page
- Introduction
- Main Body of the Tasks
- Conclusion
- References or Bibliographies
- Appendices

2. You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate and wide ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the Harvard system.

4. You should use diagrams and tables of figures where appropriate ensuring to reference their source using the Harvard Referencing method.

5. You are required to write your assignment within 4,000 words in order for your research and summarising skills to be developed, and for effective time management. You are required to ensure that the assignment addresses all of the assessment tasks. In the interests of good academic practice, an assignment submitted with excessive word counts.

The word count excludes the title page, reference list and appendices. Where assessment questions have been reprinted from the assessment brief these will also be excluded from the word count. ALL other printed words ARE included in the word count. Printed words include those contained within charts and tables.

Attachment:- Draft.rar

Reference no: EM131649213

Questions Cloud

Explain what options and procedure would you consider : Economic uncertainty and financial instability affect. Explain What options and procedure would you consider acceptable for collection of bad debt?
Define what is the best way to sort through the studies : What is the best way to sort through the studies. Wanted to do on purposeful hourly rounding in the hospital setting. Any advice is awesome.
Explain the importance of the ads effectiveness : His political committee pays for a series of TV ads, hoping that they can keep the negatives below 30%. They will use follow-up polling to assess.
Why is the handling of sexual harassment cases considered : Why is the handling of sexual harassment cases considered complicated?? What are the steps that a creditor must take to become a secured party?
Developing strategic management and leadership skills : Developing Strategic Management & Leadership Skills - strategic management and strategic leadership and Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
Discuss and review of the literature : which you analyze and appraise each of the (15) articles identified in Topic 1. Pay particular attention to evidence that supports the problem
How can you avoid them in your own procurement negotiations : Describe three factors that you believe can derail the procurement negotiation process. How can you avoid them in your own procurement negotiations?
Discuss the redesign of a transmission component : More hypotheses. Write the null and alternative hypotheses you would use to test each situation. In the 1950s only about 40% of high school graduates went.
Resulted in an increased focus on global trade : Identifies some of the factors and forces that have resulted in an increased focus on global trade.



9/19/2017 6:30:02 AM

1) pls edit the content, add theory & references into the document "DSMLS draft" is my own task, the red highlight contents are for the writer's attention; "Assignment Brief DSML DSMLS - ELITE" is the assignment question. 2) Pls add Table of contents 3) Pls use Harvard referencing format. 4) Deadline: Before 21 Sep,17 5) Total words: around 4000 words, max.4400 words (exclude appendix & references list)


9/19/2017 6:28:12 AM

LO3 Be able to assess leadership requirements 3.1Use appropriate methods to review current leadership requirements Task 3 3.2 Plan for the future situations requiring leadership Task 3 LO4 Be able to plan the development of leadership skills 4.1 Plan the development of leadership skills for a particular requirement Task 4 4.2 Report on the usefulness of methods to plan the development of leadership skills Task 4


9/19/2017 6:28:02 AM

1.1 Analyse the impact of management and leadership on strategic decisions Task 1 1.2 Evaluate how leadership styles can be adapted to different situations Task 1 LO 2 Be able to apply leadership and management theory to support organizational strategy. 2.1Review the impact that selected theories of management and leadership have on organizational strategy Task 2 2.2 Create a leadership strategy that supports organizational direction Task 2


9/19/2017 6:27:55 AM

Assessment Criteria for Pass To achieve a pass you must meet all of the assessment criteria as stated below. Failure to cover all of the assessment criteria will result in a referral grade and you will be required to re-submit your assignment. Learning Outcomes/ Assessment Criteria Criteria Met For tutor use (you may wish to use this in your preparation for your assignment submission) LO1 Understand the relationship between strategic leadership and strategic management. 1.1 Explain the link between strategic leadership and strategic management. Task 1

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