Developing software for smile recognition

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM13936125 , Length: word count:1500

Topic: Developing a smile detecting software

1.) Literature review

''The next deliverable of the project will be the interim report (Coursework 2) to be submitted by the end of week 12. This written report must include a subject/literature review. It should also cover other substantial development work such as requirements, analysis and design, and implementation or other documentation as agreed with your supervisor. This should be a written report that documents what is submitted (i.e. where diagrams and code are submitted they must be described and/or explained). The student will be required to attend a viva voce examination with their supervisor to discuss their report. These assessments contribute 20% of the total project marks. (Covering learning outcomes 1 - 3).''

2) On 15/02/2015: Final dissertation draft and copy of application

What expert have to do:

1. Check the tutors feedback on proposal and understand what has to be done in application development and dissertation report.

2. Write a 1800-2000 words literature review (LR) which has to be submitted tomorrow. 3. after submitting LR , expert will have to develop the application and write the report before the due date.


Attachment:- sadaf proposal.rar

Reference no: EM13936125

Questions Cloud

Sustainability in marketing : It is highly desirable to students of Strategic Marketing Management class to learn about Sustainability in Marketing. This assignment is designed for students learn the topic through library research.
What is barrys total profit or loss : What is Barry's total profit or loss if the value of the yen in one month is 0.0070 euro? What is Barry's total profit or loss if the value of the yen in one month is $0.0090 euro?
Compute the cost of the market basket for each year : Assume that the market basket is defined as 1 hammer, 1 lawn mower, 1 unit of groceries for the year, and 2 bicycles. a. Compute the cost of the market basket for each year. Calculate the CPI four times. Use 2005 as the base year the first time, then..
Explain consumer guarantees under the competition : Describe who is and who is not a consumer under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 - Explain four consumer guarantees under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010
Developing software for smile recognition : DEVELOPING THE SOFTWARE FOR SMILE RECOGNITION AND NOT FACE DETECTION - It should also cover other substantial development work such as requirements, analysis and design, and implementation or other documentation as agreed with your supervisor
Australian stock exchange : You may choose any company that is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) - You must must choose a company from the ASX only though.
What secure strategies for firm a and firm b respectively : Which of the following are the Nash equilibrium payoffs (each period) if the game is repeated 10 times? Suppose the game is infinitely repeated. Then the "best" the firms could do in a Nash equilibrium is to earn per period.
What is the indirect rate of the euro : Indirect exchange rate. If the direct exchange rate of the euro is worth £0.685, what is the indirect rate of the euro? Note that the pound is the home currency.
What is the cross rate of the zloty with respect to yen : Cross exchange rate. Assume Poland's currency (the zloty) is worth £0.17 and the Japanese yen is worth £0.005. What is the cross (implied) rate of the zloty with respect to yen?


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