Developing research proposal in business management

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133398988

The learning objective of this course is to develop complete understanding of research methods and apply the learning in real world problems. Hence the assignment involves developing a detailed research proposal related to an area of student's interest.

1. The prerequisite for developing a research proposal in business management, is a research concern in the realm of management. The research concern/problem can be taken from any one of the fields of management like marketing,logistics, finance, HR etc. This can be identified from the organization that one is working in or one has worked in the past. Depending on the area of interest decide on the research problem. Along with the research problem also formulate the broad research objectives of your research. Also identify the title of your research proposal.

2. Based on the learnings from the session, clearly indicate the research problem and frame 3-4 research questions related to the topic.

3. Review of literature related to your topic is important to understand the phenomenon better hence the student is required to review about 5-8 articles related to your topic and design the conceptual map relating different factors of your study.

4. As discussed in the session, identify the independent and dependent variables of your study from the knowledge gained through literature review and also formulate the hypothesis.

5. Based on the type of research proposed, discuss in detail the research methodology to be adopted for the purpose of your study and its rationale.

6. Suggest the reasons for choosing a particular kind of scale used in the research.

7. Design an appropriate questionnaire keeping research objectives in mind and discuss the factors considered while designing the questionnaire.

8. There is no data collection required, however, the student can decide the analysis that will help examine the data derived from the proposed questionnaire. Identify the statistics used for the purpose of analyzing the data.

9. Describe the possible limitations of your study.

10. Discuss the implications of your research and identify the possible ethical concerns of the research.

Reference no: EM133398988

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