Developing dynamic and interactive visualisation concepts

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Reference no: EM133374473

Data Visualisation and Analytics

The coursework will enable you to demonstrate a variety of skills, such as, problem solving, communication skills and time-management. The coursework is structured to encourage a mix of active learning, innovative development, critical thinking and knowledge-based expertise of the subject. The coursework requires you to discuss/explain and justify your implementation details (also extra check to verify that you understand concepts/reasons/limitations).

This coursework is designed to focus on designing and developing dynamic and interactive visualisation concepts based on your selected data sources. You should work on this coursework in your own time, not just the scheduled weekly lab sessions.

Assessment Overview
The assessed coursework consists of understanding, designing, developing, implementing and testing visualisation scenarios. The requirements for the coursework is to:

1. Identify and download appropriate data sources
2. Conceptualise, develop, and test a prototype of your visualisations
3. Plan, implement and debug prototype of your visualisations
4. Incorporate these tested visualisations into designs and demonstrate/discuss/present them
5. Write a report to explain your visualisations and to include your critical reflection of your visualisation and analysis techniques
6. Submit a video to present your visualisations and your code

More details regarding the requirements are covered in the following sections:

1. Task
2. Dataset
3. Requirements

1. Task
You need to design and implement an interactive web-based visualisation application using D3 on a theme of your choice.
The coursework should be unique to each student (including the report, code and any data sources). Any test data or resources used for the project, should be included when you submit the final report/code.

The unique visualisation dashboard you develop must be sufficiently complex, interactive and animated while containing multiple different graphical output. Your implementation must utilise multiple data sources, which are manipulated to communicate an in-depth coherent visualisation story. Appropriate data analytics techniques must be implemented.

2. Datasets
You are expected to identify and use a selection of data sources for this coursework. The datasets you select should be related to your selected theme for the coursework.

All exercises in this coursework should be attempted using your selected datasets, which should have sufficient variables and observations (columns and rows) to enable you to create your visualisations.


Core Requirements
Required to follow ALL core requirements, deviating will result in your coursework being disqualified and you will receive 0 marks.

C1. Create a web-based application written in d3.js using version 7+. No PHP or server-side code should be used.
JavaScript compiled from other languages (e.g. TypeScript) is not allowed
C2. Transitions and/or animations must be used to indicate what data are new, changing, or exiting C3. Your user interface must be intuitive to use
C4. You must demonstrate consideration of accessibility when designing your user interface C5. Source code must be comprehensively documented
C6. You must explain your design and implementation choices in your report C7. You must demonstrate your application with a submitted video

Application Requirements
Your application must use your datasets and meet the following requirements.

A1. The theme (topic) of your dashboard should be clear to a user while presenting an in-depth coherent visualisation story, using only visualisations or adding strategically positioned text on the dashboard.
A2. Your application should only require a single HTML page called index.html, that is within the root of the project. You are free to create as many additional CSS and JS files as you feel are necessary to support your application.
A3. All visualisations should be loaded on the single HTML page. A4. Use at least three different visualisation types.
A5. Select one section of your dataset(s) and create two visualisation layouts to show two sides to the selected section of dataset(s):
a. One visualisation should present the topic in a positive facet.
b. The other visualisation should present the topic in a negative facet.
A6. Appropriate data analytics techniques, as explained in the course materials, must be implemented.
A7. The unique visualisation you develop must be sufficiently complex, interactive and animated while containing multiple different graphical outputs.

Reference no: EM133374473

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