Developing diversity consciousness

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133151312

Diversity training has been around for a while, although it was referred to by other terms. Some of you must have heard the term cross-cultural training. In the United States, diversity training was also called race relations training and multicultural education. Diversity consciousness is a broader concept than just training but training is an important part of developing diversity consciousness.

1 Research on the internet your chosen company's diversity philosophy policies and programs, you can review their company website as well as other internet sources. Post a summary of what you have found.

2. Based on what you have read in Bucher and the articles, what is this company doing well? What are they not doing that would improve their diversity training and management?

3. What do you think are the two most important things a company can do to improve their diversity management and training?

4. If you have had diversity training, evaluate it based on what you have learned in this module. What has helped you develop diversity consciousness and what did not and why?


Bucher, Diversity Consciousness: Opening our Minds to People, Cultures and Opportunities

Chapter 2: Diversity Consciousness and Success, pp.50-57

Reference no: EM133151312

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