Developing country where he spent time in an orphanage

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Reference no: EM133415210


Associate Name: Doreen Hunt 

Name of the organisation: Children Therapy Centre 

Gender: Male 

Age: 5 Years old with autism, developmental delays, and attachment challenges. 


Thomas is 5 years old and was adopted at the age of 9 months from a developing country where he spent time in an orphanage and foster care. He suffers from attachment challenges, autism and global developmental delays, and was a very angry, inflexible detached and neurologically disorganized boy when you met him a year ago. He has done several ILS (Integrated Listening System - ILS) focus programs intensely in the clinic - combined with the home program and has made beautiful changes from them. Presenting Problem: Thomas displays behavioural dysregulation and auditory processing difficulties. Anxiety with change or unexpected transitions. He has poor social engagement with his brother or peers, obtains brief eye contact and has no two-way communication.

Therapeutic Goals: 

Improve self-regulation and ability to engage in the purposeful activity (play, learning/pre-academic); Increase happiness and positive interaction with others.

  • Improve Social Engagement and Communication
  • Improve Fine Motor and Visual Motor development
  • Improve Visual Perceptual skills
  • Improve Visual tracking, eye-hand coordination

ILs Program Used:

  • Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP).
  • Thomas has completed the Sensory Motor, Concentration & Attention, Reading & Auditory Processing in the past.
  • He seemed an ideal candidate for the SSP, so he completed the program during a break between ILs programs.

Reference no: EM133415210

Questions Cloud

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How do you feel ability to work within the justice system : Has your perspective of corrections changed at all? How do you feel about your ability to work within the justice system?
Describe one strength and one opportunity for growth derived : Describe one strength and one opportunity for growth derived from either your development courses-experts from elect. For preschool childrens
Developing country where he spent time in an orphanage : Developing country where he spent time in an orphanage and foster care. He suffers from attachment challenges, autism and global developmental delays
What aspects of pollution have you personally experienced : What aspects of pollution have you personally experienced? Or read about locally? What do believe should have been done to prevent this pollution
Describe the theodicy or justification of the existence : Describe the theodicy or justification of the existence of evil by Joseph Butler and John Hick's soul-searching idea of evil using Irenaeus understanding
Characteristics of absolute ethics and relative ethics : Compare the characteristics of absolute ethics and relative ethics. What are the applications of each in the criminal justice system?
Contributions of radical left criminological theories : What do you see as the most significant contributions of radical left criminological theories to our understanding of crime, harm, and social control?


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