Developing community plan

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Reference no: EM133429920


"Developing a community plan can help focus your massage and reach your target audience. A plan can also influence the efficiency and simplicity of your communication methods". In light of this, design a communication plan that you would use to accomplish your development agenda.

Reference no: EM133429920

Questions Cloud

What were some of key factors driving U.S. imperialism : What were some of the key factors driving U.S. "imperialism" in the late 19th and early 20th century?
Mentions the work of frederick hoffman : Mentions the work of Frederick Hoffman and his "Race Traits Theory," by explaining and expanding on what is to be larger social contexts
Gibbs cycle to reflect on situation : You have been a part time employee at Lillypad community centre for six months, and you have limited experiences beyond this job.
How do you think media and popular culture : How do you think the media and popular culture representations of Black Americans have contributed to a dangerous climate of fear or anxiety?
Developing community plan : Developing a community plan can help focus your massage and reach your target audience.
Mean Girls Movie-research project in sociology : Now that you know the theory behind different research methods in the social sciences, you are going to conduct your first research project in sociology.
Describe importance of accessing clinical supervision : Describe the importance of accessing clinical supervision when experiencing issues of transference or countertransference while working with victims
Creation of type of social welfare policy : What was happening in the United States at that time to influence the creation of this type of social welfare policy?
Social conflict followed Coser theory : Discuss a real-life example in which a social conflict followed Coser's theory.


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