Developing budget-creating budget for your department

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Reference no: EM133558300


An Experiential Exercise: Developing a Budget You have recently been appointed advertising supervisor for a new monthly health magazine, Today's Fitness, being developed by the magazine division of the Rupert Murdoch organization. You were previously an advertising supervisor on one of the company's established magazines. You will report to the new magazine's publisher, Jennifer Clark.

Estimates of first-year subscription sales for Today's Fitness are . Magazine stand sales should add another a month to this estimate. Your concern is with developing advertising revenue for the magazine. You and Jennifer have set a goal of selling advertising space totaling million during Today's Fitness's first year. You believe you can with a staff of about eight people. Because this is a completely new publication, there is no previous budget for your advertising group. You've been asked by Jennifer to submit a preliminary budget for your group.

1. Describe in detail how you would go about this assignment. For example, where would you get budget categories? Who would you contact?

2. Present your best effort at creating a budget for your department.

Reference no: EM133558300

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