Developing an effective recruitment process

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133095226

Scenario: You are a human resource director working in an integrated urban hospital. As a result of ongoing changes in the hiring process at your facility, your VP of HR has charged you with preparing a plan for supervisors to use when they recruit and select health care employees. Before you can prepare the plan, you must first analyze the challenges involved in the recruitment and selection of health care providers. You must also propose strategies to address those challenges.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the provided scenario.
  • With the scenario in mind, analyze challenges (e.g., legal, ethical, moral, and operational) related to managing recruitment and selection in health care organizations.
  • Recommend strategic and tactical approaches to address the challenges associated with internal and external factors that affect recruitment and selection.
  • Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of various recruitment sources and selection methods. 

The Assignment

In a 7- to 9- page report to the VP, address the following:

  • Analyze three challenges (e.g., legal, ethical, moral, and operational) related to recruitment and three challenges associated with selection.
    • Include a balance of information on both internal and external challenges, and explain how these challenges impact recruitment and selection.
    • Explain the impact of failing to address these challenges on human resource functions and hospital performance management.
  • Recommend sustainable strategic and tactical approaches to address the challenges associated with internal and external factors that affect recruitment and selection.
    • Describe a strategic approach for each factor you identified and explain how this strategy will help mitigate the potential challenges inflicted by the particular internal or external challenges. Include best practices from other industries (e.g., information technology, hospitality) in your recommendation.
  • Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of various recruitment sources and selection methods.
    • Explain how information from other industries can inform recruitment and selection in the health care industry.
    • Identify at least two recruitment sources that the human resource department should use and evaluate their efficiency and effectiveness.
    • Identify at least two candidate selection processes that the human resource department should use and explain which is most effective and why.

Now that you have completed your analysis of recruitment and selection practices, you must write a plan for the recruitment and selection of health care employees that incorporates the strategies you explored. With the scenario in mind, develop a plan for the recruitment and selection of health care providers. Refer to the "Sample Recruitment Strategy Planning Template" in this week's Learning Resources for guidance.

  • Define at least three key objectives in developing an effective recruitment process.
  • Explain, in detail, how recruitment will be conducted, outlining relevant components and steps in the recruitment process.
  • Define at least two key objectives in developing an effective selection process.
  • Explain how candidate selection will be conducted, outlining relevant components of and steps in the selection process.

Note: The report to the VP should be 7-9 pages, not including the title and reference pages. Refer to the "Sample Recruitment Strategy Planning Template" in this week's Learning Resources for guidance. Consider using tables or graphs to help present your plan clearly. Your Assignment must be written in standard edited business English. See the rubric for additional requirements related to research and scholarly writing.

Reference no: EM133095226

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