Developing an application - shopping mall management system

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM133529233

Software Development

Assessment: Application Development: Shopping Mall Management System by Python

Assessment Description and Instructions

In this assessment, students are tasked with developing a Python-based application that manages various aspects of a shopping mall. The application aims to handle store information, inventory management, sales processing, and customer data. Students will follow the Software Development Process to complete the assessment, starting from requirements gathering and ending with deployment.
The assessment consists of several key components:

1- Requirements Gathering:

Students need to identify the problem or need for the application and define functional and non-functional requirements. This involves understanding the scope of the shopping mall management system and outlining its core functionalities.

2- Design and Planning:

Students will create a use case diagram to illustrate the interactions between different actors (admin, store manager, cashier, customer) and the application. Additionally, they will develop a class diagram that represents the major classes and their relationships in the application.

3- Implementation:

Students will implement the Python-based application based on the requirements and design. They need to write code to handle tasks such as managing stores, inventory, sales, and customer data. It is important for them to follow good coding practices and adhere to proper coding standards.

4- Testing:

Students will design and implement unit tests to ensure the correctness of critical functionalities. They will also conduct integration testing to verify the proper interaction and functioning of different components within the application. A test report summarizing the test cases and results should be written.

5- Documentation:

Students are required to create documentation for their application, including a user manual/guide explaining how to use the application, an installation guide with any necessary dependencies, and code documentation with comments and explanations of major functionalities and modules.

6- Deployment:

Students will develop a deployment plan, considering server/hosting requirements, security measures, and performance optimization. They will deploy the application on an appropriate platform or server.

This assessment challenges students to apply their knowledge of software development processes and Python programming to create a functional and efficient Shopping Mall Management System. It evaluates their ability to gather requirements, design and implement software, conduct testing, and provide comprehensive documentation.

By completing this assessment, students will demonstrate their skills in developing real-world applications and their understanding of managing data within a shopping mall context.

Application Development: Shopping Mall Management System by Python Instructions:

1. Requirements Gathering: a) Problem/Need: Develop an application to manage various aspects of a shopping mall, including store information, inventory, sales, and customer data. b) Functional Requirements:
• Store management: Add, update, and delete store information (name, location, contact details, etc.).
• Inventory management: Track and manage store inventory, including products, stock levels, and restocking.
• Sales management: Process sales transactions, generate receipts, and maintain sales history.
• Customer management: Maintain customer records, including contact details, purchase history, and loyalty program information. c) Non- Functional Requirements:
• User-friendly interface.

• Secure data storage and access.

• Fast and efficient performance.

2. Design and Planning: a) Use Case Diagram:

• Actors: Admin, Store Manager, Cashier, Customer

• Use Cases: Manage Stores, Manage Inventory, Process Sales, Manage Customers
• Include appropriate associations and relationships between actors and use cases. b) Class Diagram:
• Classes: Store, Inventory, Sales, Customer

• Include attributes and methods relevant to each class, such as storeName, storeLocation, updateInventory(), processSale(), etc.

3. Implementation:

• Develop the Python-based application using appropriate modules, libraries, and frameworks.
• Implement functionalities to add, update, and delete store information, manage inventory, process sales, and manage customer data.

4. Testing:

• Design and implement unit tests for critical functionalities.

• Conduct integration testing to ensure the different components of the application work together smoothly.
• Write a test report summarizing the test cases, results, and any issues encountered.

5. Documentation:

• User Manual: Explain how to use the application, including instructions for managing stores, inventory, sales, and customer data.
• Installation Guide: Provide steps for installing and setting up the application, including any dependencies.
• Code Documentation: Include comments and explanations of major functionalities and modules in the source code.

6. Deployment:

• Develop a deployment plan, considering server/hosting requirements, security measures, and performance optimization.
• Deploy the application on an appropriate platform or server.

*Note: The provided example demonstrates a Shopping Mall Management System. You should customize and extend the application based on specific requirements and additional functionalities you might want to incorporate.

Reference no: EM133529233

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