Reference no: EM133216766
MKT 500 Marketing Management-DQs
1. Progressive companies have begun developing a value network system to get products in the hands of consumers. A value network includes a firm's suppliers, its suppliers' suppliers, its immediate customers, and their end customers. Identify a company that has successfully set up a value network, then compare and contrast the components of the value system to a competitor that does not have one.
2. Describe the hybrid channel of distribution. Do you think Internet sales will grow in the future or will customers demand hybrid distribution choices like free shipment to store sites (Wal-Mart) or a pickup store (IKEA)?
3. Chapter 18 identifies four levels of service in retailing--self-service, self-selection, limited service, and full-service. Visit at least one of each type of the described retailers and are to comment vis-à-vis the retailer-positioning map (Figure 16.1). Answer the following relative to your shopping trip: Did you experience a dissonance between the service you received and their initial characterization of the store? In other words, did you receive "better" service than you initially expected to receive from a self or limited service retailer? Did you experience a "lack" of service from the store you perceived as "full service"? If either of these conditions occurred, postulate a causal relationship for the occurrence.
4. Atmospherics is an important component of store attractiveness. Every store has its own unique look, feel, and smell. Yet each consumer may react differently to each of these elements. Visit three retailers of your own choosing and comment on how the store atmospherics affected you personally. Have a friend of the opposite sex visit the same retailers. Group the findings by sex. Why are there such differences? What can a store do to appeal to both sexes?