Developing a simple biometric authentication model

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131016465 , Length: word count:1500

Assignment - Network and Information Security

The goal of this assignment is to provide exposure to a typical network security problem. This is an individual assignment.

For the assignment, you are required to implement (or test) a security mechanism and write a report, or to write a research report based on an in-depth analysis (possibly with a case study).

The topic, may be of your interest, needs to be approved in advance by the course convenor; other than that, there are no restrictions.

If you choose to complete a research report (not an implementation or a test of a security mechanism) for the assignment, the research report should be of at least 1500 words.

The exact marking scheme will depend on the type of project (e.g. level of implementation required/ non-implementation/ etc). However, the following may be used as some indication:

For implementation projects:
Implementation -
Report -

For reports which do not involve any implementation:
Format & Presentation -
Review of literature and related work -
Critical analysis -
References -

Possible Topics:

You can choose one of the following topics to complete the assignment:

• Developing an encryption/decryption demo (mainly for learning and teaching purposes)

• Developing a secure on-line micro-payment system

• Developing a simple biometric authentication model

• Developing firewall architecture for WLANs

• Developing security management framework for wireless networks

• Enhancing security in Internet banking

• Phishing attacks and multi-factor authentication

• Customization/Personalization and privacy protection in electronic commerce

• Cloud computing security

• Big data and privacy

• IPsec implementation issues in wireless networks

• IPv6 security

• Secure wireless routing

• Challenges and solutions for security in mobile ad-hoc networks

• Security in peer-to-peer networks

Reference no: EM131016465

Questions Cloud

Problem regarding the company product lines : Review the different product categories in each of the company s product lines. Which has the greatest depth? Which has the least?
Conduct a case-control study on phthalate exposure : Conduct a case-control study on phthalate exposure and sperm abnormalities in adult men - identified and enrolled from among patients at their infertility clinic.
Explain the importance of the events or discoveries : Explain the importance of the events or discoveries through the viewpoints of the people involved.
Problem regarding the entry strategy for hulu : This is an entry strategy for Hulu to enter the South Korean Market. Placement (distribution)? How will the buyers be reached? Consider both physical distribution/geographic spread and distribution of the message that must reach your target market..
Developing a simple biometric authentication model : Developing an encryption/decryption demo and developing a secure on-line micro-payment system and Developing security management framework for wireless networks
Why the talk is important : Watch the above link and write a 2 pages double spaced, 12pt Times new roman, 1-inch margin paper which includes a summary of the talk, why the talk is important
Draw a diagram of real interest rates : Explain under what conditions the incurring of a government deficit and subsequent borrowing by issuing bonds leads to a crowding out of private investment.
Calculate the ending balance of the cumulative exchange gain : Calculate the amount of goodwill that should be presented on Prints Galore's December 31, 2016 consolidated statement of financial position.
Expressions brain damage and central nervous system : What are the different nuances of meaning associated with the expressions brain damage and central nervous system impairment


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