Developing a researchable question

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Reference no: EM133390175

Learning Goal: I'm working on a management discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Read the following resources from the University Library:

"Developing a Researchable Question" in Project Planner
"Eleven Pitfalls in Qualitative Research: Some Perils Every Emerging Scholar and Doctoral Student Should Be Aware of"
"Develop a Search Strategy: Choose a Topic" > "Your Topic - Too Much? Not Enough?"
Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:

What is your dissertation topic or potential topic?
If you are not completing a dissertation, what is the focus of a research study you might complete? You can always change your mind on the research topic! (Be sure to focus on an overarching topic, not on a question or problem you want to solve.)

Is your dissertation topic/idea feasible? Does your topic fall into one of the areas of being too broad, too narrow, or too recent? If so, present some ideas on what you might consider to achieve a feasible research study.

Reference no: EM133390175

Questions Cloud

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