Developing a report listing the problems with the data model

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13949679

I need help answering the following database questions:

1. I'm to provide a concise, but complete, written description of what functions are included within the scope of data administration, and make a case why data administration is unique from traditional information systems and database functions. Also to provide one or more samples of an organization chart showing the "fit" and relationship of a data administration function in an organization, including a description of how organizational chart of data administration function relates to and supports traditional IS and database functions and indicate to whom does the data administration function should report.

2. Reviewed the data model below and correct to a normal form. Developing a report listing the problems with the data model below and provide a correct data model and an accompanying data dictionary for the system based on the information about the system characteristics given below. (NOTE: This is a small database. DO NOT put in any additional information or data elements not identified in the specifications below).

Data Model


The system functionality is suppose to include:

• Ability to input new client information including

o Last, first, and middle name

o Date of Birth

o Gender

o Current Address

• Ability to update client information

o Last, first, and middle name

o Date of Birth

o Gender

o Current Address

• Ability to input client appointment dates

o Date of visit

o Time of visit

o Practitioner

• Ability to update client appointment dates

o Date of visit

o Time of visit

o Practitioner

The system also needs to be able to generate the following reports:

• List of all clients

• List of appointments by client

• List of appointments by date

Reference no: EM13949679

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