Developing a python program that processes and analyses data

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Reference no: EM133574238 , Length: word count:3500

Software and Systems Design

Assessment 1: Programming Project and Report


Python Programming Assessment: Data Processing and Analysis

Project Objective: The Python Programming Assessment aims to evaluate the students' proficiency in using functions and various data structures (lists, tuples, dictionaries) to process and analyse data. The project should demonstrate their understanding of programming concepts, data manipulation, and the effective use of functions and data structures.

Project Description: You are tasked with developing a Python program that processes and analyses data related to students' grades in different subjects. The data will be provided within the program as predefined data structures. Your program should perform specific analyses and provide relevant statistics.

Project Requirements:

1. Data Structures:
o Use predefined data structures (lists, tuples, dictionaries, etc.) to store sample data related to students' grades in different subjects.
o Sample data example:

{"name": "Alice", "grades": {"math": 85, "science": 90, "history": 78},

{"name": "Bob", "grades": {"math": 90, "science": 88, "history": 92},

{"name": "Charlie", "grades": {"math": 80, "science": 85, "history": 88}

2. Data Analysis Functions:
o Step 1: Create an algorithm (called Algorithm 1) in Flowchart to calculate the following statistics:
- Average grade for each subject.
- Highest and lowest grade for each subject.
- Overall average grade across all subjects for each student.
- Total number of students.

o Step 2: Implement Algorithm 1 based on the Flowchart you created in Step 1. Note that the implementation must be in line with the Flowchart.
3. Display Functions:
o Write functions to display the calculated statistics in a clear and structured manner.
o Utilize formatted output to ensure readability.
4. User Interface:
o Create a menu-driven interface that allows the user to select which statistics they want to view.
o Ensure error handling for invalid inputs.
5. Documentation:
o Provide detailed documentation describing the purpose of the program, the structure of the code, and how to run the program.
o Include comments within the code to explain the functionality of functions and key parts of the code.
6. Code Structure and Modularity:
o Organize the code into appropriate functions, following best practices for function usage and modularity.
o Aim for clear and readable code.

Assessment Evaluation:

• Proper usage of functions, lists, tuples, dictionaries, and data processing.
• Correctness and accuracy of data analysis.
• Clear and structured output presentation.
• Error handling for user inputs.
• Overall code organization, readability, and adherence to Python best practices.

Assessment 2: Case Study

Assessment Specifications: E-Commerce Website Development Assignment Type: Case Study Analysis
The purpose of this assessment is to analyze a case study regarding the development of an E- Commerce website and identify key aspects including stakeholders, requirements, use cases, and system classes

Case Study
JoMarket Retail is a well-established retail company with a strong presence in multiple cities, providing a diverse range of products, including electronics, clothing, furniture, and more. Over the years, the company has built a loyal customer base through its physical stores. However, with the growing trend of online shopping and changing consumer behaviors, JoMarket Retail has recognized the need to expand its operations into the digital realm. The company aims to develop an E- Commerce website to enhance its market reach, cater to a wider audience, and provide a convenient shopping experience to its customers.

The E-Commerce website is intended to be a comprehensive platform that allows customers to browse and purchase products online, view product details and specifications, check for availability, manage their orders, track deliveries, and avail customer support services. The website will also integrate a secure payment gateway to facilitate seamless transactions for customers.

JoMarket Retail plans to integrate its existing inventory management system with the new E- Commerce platform to ensure real-time updates on product availability and avoid discrepancies between online and offline stock. Additionally, they intend to implement effective order processing and fulfillment mechanisms to provide timely deliveries and excellent customer service.

The success of the E-Commerce website is crucial for JoMarket Retail's future growth and maintaining competitiveness in the retail industry. Therefore, a well-planned development process and a system that meets the expectations and requirements of both the company and its customers are paramount.

Assessment Tasks:
You are provided with a comprehensive case study about JoMarket Retail's E-Commerce website development. As a system analyst, your role is to assist the company in developing this new E- Commerce platform by utilizing principles of information system development and the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Read the detailed case study below and then complete the following tasks:

1. Identify and briefly describe the stakeholders for the proposed E-Commerce website.

2. Identify and briefly describe the most effective technique for gathering requirements for the E-Commerce website.

3. Identify and briefly describe both functional and non-functional requirements for the E- Commerce website.

4. Identify the major use cases and actors for the new E-Commerce website and create use case diagrams to represent them.

5. Identify the major classes for the new E-Commerce website and develop UML domain model class diagrams to illustrate the system's structure.

Reference no: EM133574238

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