Reference no: EM131246801
Developing a Design Class Diagram
Classes can be defined in class diagrams such as a detailed DCD. A class diagram describes the attributes and operations of each class in detail. It also describes the relationships between classes. A well-designed, detailed class model is essential for developing a successful, flexible, and robust system. Detailed design can begin after architectural design has been completed. One of the main modeling techniques used for detailed design is a DCD, which is often created in two steps. First, a first-cut DCD is created. This diagram is then enhanced with further details and system classes to produce a final DCD.
The section titled "Detailed Design with CRC Cards" in Chapter 12 of the course text provides a first-cut DCD, a set of CRC cards, and a final DCD for theProcess new order use case (telelphone).
If you have not done so already, use this link to download and install the latest stable release (non-beta) of Java SE 6 JDK. If you are using Windows and are not sure whether you need the 32- or 64-bit version, refer to Microsoft's help and support. Then use this link to download and run the Violet UML editor.
On the basis of the example of the Process new order use case (telephone), perform the following tasks:
- Use the Violet UML editor to create a first-cut DCD for the Process new order use case (telephone). Use correct UML notations.
- Save the first-cut DCD, and label it appropriately to avoid confusion.
Note: Alternatively, you may take a screen shot, copy it into a Microsoft Word document, and submit the Word document.
- Enhance the first-cut DCD to produce the final DCD. Use correct UML notations.
- Save the final DCD, and label it appropriately to avoid confusion.
Note: Alternatively, you may take a screen shot, copy it into a Word document, and submit the Word document.
- Submit the first-cut and final DCDs as ".xml" files or as screen shots in a Word document.
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