Developing a communication strategy

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133215375


Question 1. List two internal stakeholders you would need to consider when determining information needs for a community services setting you are familiar with.

Question 2. List two external stakeholders you would need to consider when determining information needs for a community services setting you are familiar with.

Question 3. Give a reason why it is important to identify who the organisation's competitors are when developing communication strategies.

Question 4. When developing a communication strategy, why should one consider any competing or conflict of interest?

Question 5. Give two examples of types of traditional media used in community services settings.

Reference no: EM133215375

Questions Cloud

Develop a strategic alliances : Why is it important to identify and seek the support of key people and develop strategic alliances?
Who are members of a schools parent-teacher association : Provide an example of what parents, who are members of a school's Parent/Teacher Association (PTA), can advocate for on behalf of the students?
Discuss a universal style of leadership : Why has the behavioral approach failed to find a universal style of leadership?
Evaluate bobs co-existing issues : Why is it important to use a holistic approach to evaluate Bob's co-existing issues and needs?
Developing a communication strategy : When developing a communication strategy, why should one consider any competing or conflict of interest?
How might su lins age contribute to inequality : Identify at least two factors tribute to inequality and briefly explain how each has affected Su Lin's situation.
How can support mary to be active again in community : Using the strength-based and person-centred principles of practice, how can you support Mary to be active again in the community?
Explaining legislation can assist organisations : Describe how plain English documentation explaining legislation can assist organisations to understand compliance requirements.
Characterizing a serious spending plan : Microeconomic hypothesis advances by characterizing a serious spending plan set Which is a subset of the utilization set.


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