Developing a balanced scorecard explore the need for

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Reference no: EM13347506 , Length: 1028 Words

Developing a Balanced Scorecard

Explore the need for organisations to calculate and manage performance against objectives, as well as the potential effectiveness of tools such as Balanced Scorecards and Strategy Maps as aids in this cause.

You will now prepare a BSC for Anthony's Orchard. The company has a number of strategic goals; measuring performance towards those goals will be critical to its sustained success.

To prepare for this Individual Assignment:

Visit the Anthony's Orchard case study in the unit resources. Review again the current and historical financials. Consider that one of the company's key goals in its strategic plan is to exceed revenue of $25 million dollars by the year 2015.

To complete this Individual Assignment:

Describe the potential value of a BSC to Anthony's Orchard. Describe specific ways that the introduction of a BSC can contribute to this organisation.

Develop a BSC that is aligned to the key goal in the strategic plan, i.e. exceeding revenue of $25 million dollars by 2015. Develop, quantify and justify suitable key performance measurement criteria for Anthony's Orchard in each of these four key areas:



Internal Business Processes

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Reference no: EM13347506

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