Reference no: EM132506347
Assignment -
In assignment, you developed web pages using Open Sites. Your task for this question is to produce an HTML page that explains how sampling is used in the conversion of analogue sound to a digital representation.
The audience for the web page are prospective TM111 students (so imagine yourself as you were before the module started).
You should give your site the following name: MyPI-TMA01, where 'MyPI' is your personal identifier number. For example, if your PI is A1234567, your site should be named A1234567-TMA01. Alternatively, you may use your OUCU instead of your PI.
Your completed web page should include the following elements:
a. Your written explanation of how sampling is used in the conversion of an analogue sound to a digital representation. You should explain the basic process of sampling, and how sampling and the sampling rate affect the quality of the sound. You should draw on the material in Part 3 for your explanation.
The maximum word limit for Question 4(a) is 150 words.
b. One still image, which supports your explanation. You may use an image from either the OpenStudio media database or take one from the Britannica ImageQuest database. Alternatively, you may use an image of your own or one from the web that is copyright-free.
c. A variety of HTML styles to make an attractive web page.
d. Three further marks are for:
1. including the title of the page (placed at the top of the page) and your name (placed under the title)
2. an acknowledgement or reference for the image you have used (this should be placed at the bottom of the page below the written explanation).
3. including a link to your Open Sites web page in your TMA document.
What you should submit for Question 4
Copy and paste your written explanation of how sampling is used in the conversion of an analogue sound to a digital representation into your TMA document.
Take a screenshot of your web page and insert it into your TMA document. The screenshot should clearly show all the web page elements: the page title, your name, the written explanation, the image and the acknowledgment.
Attachment:- Assignment File - Introduction to HTML.rar