Developed relationships with babies-toddlers at childcare

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133440212


Day 1 - Change nappies

Day 2- Prepare & settle babies for sleep:

Day 3- Assist toddlers with toileting:

Day 4 -Assist toddlers during mealtime

Day 5- Monitor and encourage age-appropriate physical exploration and gross motor skills


1. Each day needs to be about how you (educator) developed relationships with the babies/toddlers at childcare centre? and the other need to be about? (Each day)

2. What you have observed of how other educator relationships with babies and toddlers are developed?(Each day )

3. Reflecting on the below point(Each Day)

  • How did the experience enhance relationships with babies and toddlers.
  • Opportunities to build on the experience to further develop relationships.
  • What could have been done differently to improve the outcomes.
  • Any challenges in identifying or initiating opportunities to develop relationships with babies and toddlers.
  • Please answer each day 3 questions

Reference no: EM133440212

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Business Law and Ethics Questions & Answers

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