Reference no: EM131382985
Give a constructive Response to the following: Min 350 words and 3 sources
Erik Erikson, a psychoanalyst who studied with Anna Freud, Sigmund Freud's daughter, developed a theory of psychosocial development that divides human development into eight stages. These eight steps mark eight crises or conflicts in their social relations with other people. Erikson proposed that the way these conflicts are resolved determines the nature of one's development (David & Jones, 1960). In fact, these resolutions are development. He noted that minorities throughout the world have struggled to maintain an ethnic identity, even when forced to co-exist within the context of a dominant culture.
If the conflict is resolved positively, there is a positive outcome; if it is not resolved or is resolved negative, the result is unhealthy and impairs development (Phinney, 1989). Erikson argued that the first crisis faced by adolescents is identity versus role confusion. Failure to form an identity leaves a teenager confused about his or her role in life. Erik Erikson coined the term identity crisis.
Research on the adverse outcome of such negative stereotypes on the functioning of minorities in America is voluminous (Glass, 1964). Negative appraisals of non-whites in America lead to perceptions among minorities that employment avenues are cut off, and that success is out of their reach.
David, K. E., & Jones, E. E. (1960). Changes in interpersonal perception as a means of reducing cognitive dissonance. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 61, 402-410.
Glass, D. C. (1964). Changes in liking as a means of reducing cognitive discrepancies between self-esteem and aggression. Journal of Personality, 62, 531-549.
Phinney, J. S. (1989). Stages of ethnic identity development in minority group adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence, 9, 34-49.
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