Develope social competence and healthy self- identifies

Assignment Help Public Economics
Reference no: EM131262220


Using the eight content heading used in the text (these are : 1. Building Secure Foundation 2. Planning Total Learning 3. Helping Young Children Develop Healthy Bodies 4. Fostering Emotional Health in Young Children 5. Developing Social Competence and Healthy Self- Identifies 6. Encouraging Children to be Creative 7. Fostering the Use of Language and 8. Supporting Children's Cognitive Development ) develop ( A. )a week long plan for group time that is appropriate for 2 year olds. and a separate (B) a week long plan that is appropriate for 4 year olds focusing on literacy.

Remember to think carefully about beginning with something familiar that the children like and also remember to put whatever you judge to be new or most difficult early in the plan so that children will be able to concentrate on it before they become too tired.

Make sure to include the following in your lesson plans:

1. Detailed description of the activities.
2. Required materials for the activities.
3. The objectives of the activities.
4. Any formal or informal assessments that will be used.

Reference no: EM131262220

Questions Cloud

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