Develope a mathematical and numerical model

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM132107714

Assignment -

Develope a mathematical and numerical model (finite element method) by using topology optimization method to find the optimum shape for metallic bone fixation implants to reduce the stress shielding phenomenon including less volume and contact pressure for an equivalent stiffness of a bone plate including fractured bone.

1. Mathematical model including fractured bone and plate for less volume, contact pressure and contact angle for an equivalent stiffness of a bone plate by using topology optimization method.

2. Numerical model including fractured bone and plate for less volume, contact pressure and contact angle for an equivalent stiffness of a bone plate by using topology optimization method.

3. Matlab code will be generated to find an optimum shape of bone plate which will have less volume, contact pressure and contact angle for an equivalent stiffness of a bone plate by using topology optimization method.

Please note, bone plate's holes will be constant means no change during the optimization process. In Al-tamimi paper they did not consider fractured bone attached with plate. In this model contact pressure and angle between bone and bone plate will be considered.

Note - Please get help from the attached files.

1. Metallic bone fixation implants: a novel design approach for reducing the stress shielding phenomenon.

2. Efficient topology optimization in MATLAB using 88 lines of code.

3. Design factors of femur fracture fixation plates made of shape memory alloy based on the Taguchi method by finite element analysis.

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Reference no: EM132107714

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