Reference no: EM131394740
Essay Assignment
Think of writing this research essay as participating in a debate. You are required to choose one of the following three Topics (Topics 1, 2 or 3) and argue either in the affirmative (for) or the negative (against). In arguing your case you are required to anticipate the response from the alternative argument and counter those arguments in your essay.
vTopic 1: Is leadership essential to the development of ethical decision making in modern organisations?
vTopic 2: Which normative theory of ethics is most relevant to modern organisations?
vTopic 3: In a Trump (post-truth) world, does ethics have role?
2000 words, 1.5 spacing.
Use at least 12 references:
6 academic journal articles
6 other quality references
1) Refer to the RMIT Learning Lab sections on
b) WRITING SKILLS > academic writing > referencing - Harvard Style
2) WHAT is the ESSAY TOPIC ABOUT? - Develop your understanding of what the essay is about and should be focused on. This will require research and reading.
3) RESEARCH - Your research should begin with nclude academic databases EBSCO, Science Direct, ABI, Emerald etc. Google Scholar is a useful part of your search but should not be the only part. Web search engines are not that useful. You might use Wikipedia to develop your understanding of a topic but you would not include information from there in your assignments, nor would you reference it. Do not reference Wikipedia. Instead you should find more authoritative sources to reference and support your arguments.
4) READ - if you have not read you will not have much to say and much to discuss. This will be very obvious when your work is assessed. You will not perform well in the assignment if you have not READ ANYTHING. What you have read should be used to support the argument you are making.
5) STRUCTURE - your essay should contain three main sections:
a) Introduction.
b) Main Body - that may or may not contain subheadings.
c) Conclusion
6) MAKE SURE THAT YOUR ASSIGNMENT IS ON TOPIC. Think about how the material you are including relates to the question. Don't just include information because you have read it. MAKE SURE that it relates to the essay topic.
7) ENSURE that your assignment RELATES TO THE TOPIC - most students that fail do so for the reason that there essays are not clearly focused on the topic. They have not read enough about the topic from credible sources to even know that they are not focused on the topic.
Choose your topic at least three weeks before the paper is due, do some reading in the area, and then decide on a proposition you wish to argue. Always remember that an essay is an extended argument, not a broad, descriptive discussion of a topic.
Try to have a formal structure for your argument in mind before you start writing. Prepare a rough outline beforehand if you are not used to writing essays. Make sure you have a proposition for the introduction and a conclusion for the end of the essay. The conclusion (and often the last point you discuss too) usually lingers longest in the mind of an assessor, so save your best for last. Make sure your essay does not wander, but sticks to the topic. Avoid unnecessary storytelling - too much background information is padding and doesn't get you marks. Ensure every paragraph contributes to your argument, but don't be so brief when you are making your points that the reader is not sure that you understand the topic.
All essays should be formatted in a 12 point font with serifs, like Palatino or Times (New) Roman. Arial and Helvetica are heading fonts, and are not suitable for essays. Leave at least 2 cm margins and 1½ line-spacing so the assessor has room to leave comments on your essay. Always page-number your essay as pages often fall off.
Also always have an essay cover sheet stapled to the front or your essay may get lost.
Use the in-text/author-date Harvard system for references and conclude the essay with a reference list in alphabetical order by family name. Avoid citations of "junk" internet sites or textbooks from other subjects. The best essays will refer to primary sources (e.g. the works of theorists, annual reports, government policies and codes etc.).
They will supplement them with several journal articles and research-based books - i.e. those which academics write for each other (not for students). Using the reference system properly will mean avoiding throwing away easy marks. An essay should have at least four in-text references per page, and normally more. And an essay that is 10% under the word-limit automatically loses 10% of its potential mark.
Do not rely on long lists of information or long quotations from other sources. Do make sure everything that is not your own idea or words is referenced properly. If your written English is not 100%, you can always go to the Student Learning Centre for help. Always ask your tutor or lecturer if you are unsure about anything. And if you are ill, don't forget to apply for special consideration.
Be persuasive, not complete. Use key terms important to your argument, as they show you know your topic well. Use the bibliographies found in other sources to chase up additional references. Get a librarian to help you if you are not sure how to find appropriate material. Avoid slang, and always be specific ("the inflation rate was 18%"), rather than general ("the inflation rate was high") whenever you can.