Reference no: EM133664844
Homework: SLP- Acquiring and Retaining Talent
Signature Homework: Written Communication, Reinforced level
In this homework, your written communications skills will be assessed. The written communications rubric will be useful for this purpose. In the course MGT302, written communication skills were assessed at the "introduced" level. In MGT407, they will be assessed at the "reinforced" level. Finally, in MGT491 your written communication skills will be assessed at the "mastered" level. The grading rubric for written communication at the undergraduate level has been developed to measure student success in meeting the Case 3 expectations.
In an interview with Dr. Edward Hallowell, Harrison (2011) discussed Hallowell's Cycle of Excellence as a five-step process that managers can use to foster high performance in their organizations.
According to Hallowell, to manage employees, managers must first employ them, which is the first step- Select. Connect is the next is to determine if a new employee fits into the organization.
The next two steps, Play and Grapple and Grow, go together because they are actions taken by employees along with their managers. These growth opportunities go a long way to increase job satisfaction and productivity levels.
The final step, Shine, occurs when managers recognize employees for a job well done.
Reference: Harrison, J. (2011, March). Interview with Edward M. Hallowell, MD, author of Shine: Using brain science to get the best from your people. Human Resource Management International Digest, 19(4), 43-45. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Use the following search terms in the library search box: Human Resource Management International Digest Interview with Edward M. Hallowell. The article should appear. Click on either ‘full text" or "Full text-PDF").
Draw on the material in the background readings and conduct additional research to prepare a magazine article in which you:
1) Briefly analyze the five steps of the Cycle of Excellence and use it as a springboard to create your own cycle of excellence.
2) Develop your own cycle of excellence and explain its steps. Your cycle should show creativity and critical thinking and consideration for diversity/equity/inclusion.
3) Discuss how the cycle of excellence you have developed is the optimum approach for managing human capital.
4) The magazine article you are writing should be similar to an article you might find in TD: Talent Development (magazine of the Association for Talent Development) or in HR Magazine (magazine for the Society for Human Resource Management, SHRM). Both are found in the Trident Online Library, and samples found on their respective websites.
5) Utilize at least three other reference sources to build your article. Include a cover page and a reference page. Note that the deliverable for this homework is not an essay paper, but rather a journal article formatted like other published journal articles. (Most articles are written in columnar form, with some color and graphics to provide visual appeal. The more interesting the article is the better.)