Develop your initial CISO report for your new employer

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM133044001

ISYS1003 Cybersecurity Management - Southern Cross University

Network configuration management

A. Carefully read the Case Study scenario document. You may use information provided in the case study but do not simply just copy and paste information. This will result in poor grades. Well researched and high-quality external content will be necessary for you to succeed in this assignment.

B. Develop your initial CISO report for your new employer and organisation (‘Norman Joe'). You should read the case study and consider very carefully the type of organisation, the sector and all other details provided in the case study.

Task Description

1. State clearly the difference between the roles of management and leadership within Norman Joe, related to security.
i. Consider the responses in the case study document, which type of leadership do you expect Norman Joe to have? State clear reasons for your decision.
ii. What are the roles of management? Briefly outline what Norman Joe's security management team should do.
2. Develop a strategic plan for Norman Joe.
i. This should begin with:
• Mission Statement
• Vision Statement
• Values Statement
ii. This plan should then include the following:
• The strategic security goals for Norman Joe using best practice and industry standards.
• Information Security governance processes using best practice and industry standards.
• Asset identification and classification strategy (Note: use an industry standard approach to classify assets using general categories)
iii. Be sure to include details indicating how this plan can be used protect the information assets that will be held by Norman Joe.
3. A detailed statement of the expected threats and vulnerabilities for ‘Norman Joe' the retailer, with clear reasons justifying your inclusions of these threats and vulnerabilities.
• As part of a preliminary threat modelling exercise to present to ‘the board' of the company, use the Mitre Att&ck Framework and Navigator based on one of the attack examples (Social engineering, ransomware or DDoS).
Tables and screenshots may assist you, though you will have to explain your assessment process.
• Include what Mitre Att&ck Framework techniques and subtechniques may be used in the attack.
4. Propose the security personnel required and their roles within Norman Joe (e.g., a security hierarchy for Norman Joe's Australian organisation
i. Include any security training requirements for the company.
5. A cybersecurity project management plan for Norman Joe. Be sure to include:
i. The security processes that you expect to be managed and how you might manage the roll-out.
ii. An outline of the proposed structure for this management process.

iii. iii. Project management tools will assist you (e.g., Gantt chart).

1. Management and Leadership
a. Detailed description with supporting arguments for the type of security Leadership that you propose for Norman Joe.
b. Detail your proposed structure of the security management team for Norman Joe. Include the roles you would expect from the different
members of this team.
2. Strategic Plan
a. Clearly stated Mission, Vision & Values statements for security.
b. Clearly stated strategic security goals for Norman Joe.
c. Asset identification and classification strategy
3. Expected Threats and Vulnerabilities
a. Identify as a list the anticipated threats and vulnerabilities that Norman Joe expects in its operation in Australia.
b. Justify with appropriate documentary support, the reasons for the inclusion of each threat and vulnerability.
c. Threat modelling exercise meets the specifications outlined (e.g., Mitre Att&ck techniques appropriately identified and used)
4. Propose the security personnel required (a hierarchy or tree structure may help)
5. Project Management
a. Security processes identified and some evidence of scheduling (e.g. Gantt chart)
b. Proposed management structure.
6. Referencing
a. Well researched and high-quality referenced sources
b. Consistent format

Attachment:- Network configuration management.rar

Reference no: EM133044001

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