Develop your appreciation of research in brand building

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Reference no: EM132143351 , Length: word count:3000

Assignment - Information for prioritising image/brand decisions

Assignment description - Business managers do not perform the actual primary data collection, but they do frequently commission and oversee business research projects, as well as interpret data and make decisions on the basis of research findings.

The assignment requires you to consider the research process and decision making associated with brand evaluation that we have covered in the unit. This is a very relevant topic since branding is one of the most important aspects of contemporary business. The assignment is to be written from the perspective of one of the service providers in the Australian telecommunication industry.

Purpose - This assignment will get you thinking about and develop your appreciation of the application of research in brand building. This assignment asks you to perform the same tasks undertaken by business managers and requires you to set clear research objectives; consider the strategic role of the research and the type of information expected, as well as outline the key methodological considerations relating to the BHT.

The assignment will also help develop skills in desk research (library and Internet search), collating, presenting and interpreting information in a concise manner, as well as accurate referencing.

How to structure your writing

Cover page - Please include a cover page containing the title; student name(s) and ID number (s); date & total word count (excluding title and reference list).

Introduction - Write about 150 words. In your introduction specify your chosen research area and discuss the significance of branding and the BHT in business. Outline the structure of your essay.

Business & research objective(s) - In 200 words discuss the business objectives and the specific research objectives of the BHT.

Information required to fulfil the research objectives - (approx. 1000 words) In this section you need to clearly show the type of output you would expect and explain its potential role for informing brand decision making. (NB you are not required to actually conduct any primary research). To do this effectively you should include description of the information to be collected and provide examples of expected research output - clearly describing how it can be interpreted to assist the company decision making.

Describe the research design in relation to your chosen approach - (approx. 1000 words) Include a brief description of the preferred data collection approach with rationale, and relate the key methodological considerations specific to the BHT and your recommended method.

Conclusion - About 150 words summing up the topic and the importance the approach.

Reference no: EM132143351

Questions Cloud

How can you implement a stack using two queues : How can you implement a stack using two queues? What is the big-Oh running time of the stack operations?
Is it possible to forward the two packets through the switch : Is it possible to forward the two packets through the switch fabric at the same time when the fabric uses a shared bus?
Find the probability that at any given time : Suppose users share a 3 Mbps link. Also suppose each user requires 150 kbps when transmitting, but each user transmits only 10 percent of the time.
Use stack and recursion and solve the given problem : Suppose there are three decks of cards on the table, a number is written on each card. And each deck is sorted in decreasing order .
Develop your appreciation of research in brand building : This assignment will get you thinking about and develop your appreciation of the application of research in brand building
Draw the stack frame as seen by the subroutine : You are required to save and restore any accumulators and/or registers used by the subroutine (other than A).
How would you respond to that statement : Suppose that someone tells you that an attribute that is part of a composite primary key is also a candidate key.
What is the time complexity of the algorithm : Suppose instead that wibble always returns False. What is the time complexity of the algorithm?
Calculate the interval for the expected error : Suppose that you have used some concept learning algorithm to learn a hypothesis h1 from some training data.



10/17/2018 4:52:56 AM

Word limit: 3000 (INCLUDING the reference list). NB – Please do not conduct any primary data collection, rather just consider the research design and process involved in branding research from the business manager’s perspective. For this assignment you need to read around the subject of branding and branding research – guided reading lesson 6 is a good starting point.


10/17/2018 4:52:51 AM

Word limit – There is a considerable amount to cover, so it is important that you clearly introduce the focus of your assignment and then write clearly and concisely within the specified word limit. at the end of each section please state the number of words you have used. Word limit – at the end of each section state the number of words you have used. At the start of the assignment please also indicate the total number of words, which should not exceed 3000 words. NB for this assignment the reference list counts toward the word limit. Finally insert your ‘References’ list using a recognized referencing format such as APA or Harvard.


10/17/2018 4:52:45 AM

For this assignment it is anticipated that you will use a minimum of ten different references that include relevant journal articles. Please write in a professional manner with a clear structure and appropriate headings, properly spell checked and proof read. Submission & mark allocation - The assignment must be submitted via Blackboard. NB appropriate reading, accurate referencing and author citation are prerequisite for Distinction and Higher Distinction grades.


10/17/2018 4:52:39 AM

Your tutor will use the following guidelines to grade your work out of 100: Introduction – outlining the structure of the report and the significance of this type of business information to decision making - 5 Mark. Objectives of the research – business objectives and specific research objectives 5 Mark. Describe the required information, present examples of anticipated output and discuss how to interpret it – 35 Mark. Describe the research design and process in relation to the BHT - 30 Mark. Conclusion – appropriate overview of the topic (i.e., NO NEED FOR AN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AS WELL) - 5 Mark. Report structure / presentation – accurate writing (please use your spell-checker, set to UK English); presentation following of the heading structure set out in ‘How to structure your writing’ - 10 Mark. Referencing – accurate use of the author/date referencing conventions - 10 Mark. Total – 100 Mark.

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