Reference no: EM133534159
Agile Project Management
Assessment - Research Report on Agile
Learning Outcome 1: Undertake research to demonstrate an understanding of Agile concepts, tools and techniques.
Task Summary
"Everybody has their manifesto; let them talk their language, come to the people, and the people will decide." - Prakash Raj
Manifestos communicate beliefs, aims, intentions and views - they are a philosophy rather than a method. The Agile Manifesto is the philosophy from which Agile methods and frameworks have emerged.
This assessment is about ensuring that we understand the thinking or the ‘what' of Agile in preparation for learning the methods, practices, tools, and techniques associated with the ‘how' of Agile.
You will be required to prepare a report covering the following concepts and areas of knowledge:
2. The Agile Manifesto
3. The Case for Agile
4. Agile vs. Waterfall
5. A Comparison of Scrum and Kanban
6. The influence of Lean on the Agile philosophy and practices
Because careers in the world of Information Systems require being able to ‘do', we focus on techniques which enable capability building. Agile is a complex and multi-facetted discipline. Because we are preparing you for professional practice in your future workplace - the assessment pathway takes a laddered approach to your learning to embed theoretical knowledge through active practice:
1. Assessment 1 - Prepare - Understand theoretical foundations of Agile.
2. Assessment 2 - Reflect - Develop your Agile Mindset and capability to work in an Agile team.
3. Assessment 3 - Perform - An authentic assessment where you will apply the knowledge and skills you progressively develop in the subject to a business problem using Agile Project Management.
Due attention needs to be paid to format, visual presentation and citation discipline (referencing) as this would be required in leading companies and consultancies which you would apply in your future career.
Excellent referencing demonstrates your capability as a researcher - it is evidence that you know how to find information from appropriate sources and can interpret and synthesise that information with skill at a master's level.
Task Instructions: Your report will require 5 boxes, each one devoted to covering a specific knowledge area. There is NO requirement for writing an introduction and conclusion using this method - your word count can be better used in the boxes:
1. Box 1 - VUCA.
To answer this question, you will need to read this article: Moura, R., Carneiro, T., & Dias, T. (2023). Vuca environment on project success: the effect of project management methods. Brazilian Business Review, 20(3), 236-259.
Please read the following sections: 1) Introduction, 2) Literature Review and Hypothesis Development 5) Discussions, and 6) Conclusions. You may read the Research Methods and Results sections, but it is not necessary to answer this question.
This article discusses two methods of project management - ‘classical' (also known as Waterfall) and ‘agile'. Using readings from the subject modules - do you agree with the
conclusion that the authors have reached? Firstly, discuss the points where you agree with the author's viewpoint and why, and then discuss the points where you would challenge the author's viewpoint and why you would challenge these points.
2. Box 2 - The Agile Manifesto.
Select one of the following authors of the Agile Manifesto and do some desktop research using current quality resources so that you can answer the questions below. Please note that items a, b and c are expected to have very short answers, however, item d requires you to demonstrate that you have an understanding of different Agile methodologies and for what types of projects they are best suited:
Kent Beck | Ken Schwaber | Jeff Sutherland | Jim Highsmith | Alistair Cockburn
a. Add a picture of the author of your choice ensuring that you both caption and reference the image with the correct technique.
b. With which Agile framework are they aligned?
c. Briefly describe the framework in 2-3 sentences.
d. What do you believe the framework to which they are aligned is best suited?
3. Box 3 - Agile vs. Waterfall and the Case for Agile
Review the Cutter Consortium case in this reading - Measey, P. (2015). Agile foundations: Principles, practices and frameworks. BCS Learning & Development Limited.
a. Which Agile approach is Cutter Consortium - example 1 aligned to? Use the evidence in the table to support why you say this.
b. Which Agile approach is Cutter Consortium - example 2 aligned to? Use the evidence in the table to support why you say this.
c. What is the specific impact on the quality of both approaches? Include specific figures to back your position and explain why you believe this quality outcome was achieved.
d. What was the specific impact on the budget of both approaches? Include specific figures to back your position and explain why you believe this cost outcome was achieved.
e. What was the specific impact on the time to deliver both approaches? Include specific figures to back your position and explain why you believe this time outcome was achieved.
f. Why do you believe Agile approaches have these effects?
It is vital that you refer to the facts and figures as discussed in the case study and relate them to the iterative cycles of the case study.
4. Box 4 - Kanban.
To answer this question - first watch this video from your class learning resources:
a. Create a copy of the Kanban board that is shown in the video with the appropriate labels.
b. What is the alternative name that scrum teams give to the Kanban board?
c. Describe the purpose of the leftmost column in the Kanban board. What does it contain, and how are its contents sequenced? Why is this significant?
d. What is the purpose of the yellow sticky notes? What is usually written on these yellow sticky notes?
e. How are the yellow sticky notes used to limit Work in Progress (WIP) in the Kanban board?
f. Write a brief description of how the scrum team can use the Kanban board for ‘walking the board' in the process of their daily stand-ups to remain on track.
g. How do you plan to use the Kanban board in your group Assessment 3?
5. Box 5 - The Influence of Lean on Agile philosophy and practice.
It is recognised that Lean philosophy has influenced both Agile philosophy and practices. Select two lean philosophies and draw a two-sided mind map to illustrate the concept of how Lean philosophies have given rise to principles in the Agile Manifesto and how these have in turn influenced the emergence of certain Agile practices. Use the mind map to show the relationships from the point of origin to practices in use.
Visual Appeal and Format
1. Your report will need to be designed and completed in Word format - alternative package solutions (e.g. Canva) may not be used as they do not meet the university's submission criteria.
2. A cover page will be required which must include the following information:
a. Subject Code
b. Subject name
c. Assessment number
d. Assessment title
e. Class CRN
f. Learning Facilitator's name
g. Student name
h. Student number (‘A' number)
i. Enrolled program (Master of ...)
3. The report must use font Arial or Calibri 11 point and be line spaced at 1.15 for ease of reading.
4. You may use tables or text boxes to create your five boxes based on what best meets your needs. You must pay careful attention to the layout and how items fit on the pages.
5. When diagrams or tables are used, due attention should be given to placement.
6. Diagrams or tables must carry the appropriate captioning.
7. A reference list is to be included on a separate page which meets the format.
There are requirements for referencing this report using APA referencing style. It is expected that you reference any appropriate resources that were used in class and that you include five additional resources in the relevant subject areas based on readings and further research.