Reference no: EM132316712
Develop Workplace Policy and Procedures for Sustainability Assignment
Purpose of the Assessment - The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following learning outcomes:
1. Develop workplace sustainability policy
1.1 Define scope of sustainability policy
1.2 Gather information from a range of sources to plan and develop policy
1.3 Identify and consult stakeholders as a key component of the policy development process
1.4 Include appropriate strategies in policy at all stages of work for minimising resource use, reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use and employing life cycle management approaches
1.5 Make recommendations for policy options based on likely effectiveness, timeframes and cost
1.6 Develop policy that reflects the organisation's commitment to sustainability as an integral part of business planning and as a business opportunity
1.7 Agree to appropriate methods of implementation, outcomes and performance indicators
2. Communicate workplace sustainability policy
2.1 Promote workplace sustainability policy, including its expected outcome, to key stakeholders
2.2 Inform those involved in implementing the policy about expected outcomes, activities to be undertaken and assigned responsibilities
3. Implement workplace sustainability policy
3.1 Develop and communicate procedures to help implement workplace sustainability policy
3.2 Implement strategies for continuous improvement in resource efficiency
3.3 Establish and assign responsibility for recording systems to track continuous improvements in sustainability approaches
4. Review workplace sustainability policy implementation
4.1 Document outcomes and provide feedback to key personnel and stakeholders
4.2 Investigate successes or otherwise of policy
4.3 Monitor records to identify trends that may require remedial action and use to promote continuous improvement of performance
4.4 Modify policy and or procedures as required to ensure improvements are made
Assessment - MNMK Education Pty Ltd Sustainability Project
Task 1: Develop workplace sustainability policy
Background information - You are required to do some external research and make assumptions on the most likely consumption costs of the equipment as listed below:
MNMK Education's Hardware and network devices
Ground Floor
1st Floor
Printing and copying equipment
Desktop PCs
Audiovisual equipment
Networking equipment Switches with dual power supply Access points
Total number of devices
Number of staff
The role of Sustainability Manager has recently been created by management and is responsible for the development and implementation of workplace sustainability policy.
Requirements -
1. You are hired in the role of the Sustainability Manager at MNMK Education. A copy of the organisational schedule, with members of the sustainability committee and your various roles and responsibilities in the organization must be submitted as part of the evidence.
As per the information provided above, define the scope of sustainability policy at MNMK Education. Submit a Scope Statement explaining what the sustainability initiatives you are trying to address.
For example: To ensure compliance to environmental regulations by meeting relevant laws, bylaws, regulations and best practice standards in environmental sustainability.
2. In a table (see sample below), list and identify the type of information you will gather from a variety of sources to plan and develop policy.
For example:
Source of information
Government departments
Relevant laws, bylaws, regulations pertaining to workplace sustainability
3. Discuss appropriate strategies in policy at all stages of work for minimising resource use, reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use, and employing lifecycle management approaches. You should identify the roles of stakeholders in the company. A copy of meeting agendas and minutes must be produced which serves as the evidence of the discussion process.
4. Gather feedback and solicit ideas as part of the policy development process. In the report, make recommendations for policy options based on likely effectiveness, cost and timeframes.
For example: Using Lifecycle Analysis techniques, assess the environmental and cost impact of computer and networking over its entire lifecycle, including extraction, processing, manufacture of the product/s, distribution, use or reuse, or recycling or disposal. In this scenario, you are only required to assess the lifecycle impact of computers and computer related peripherals, including how to properly dispose of the hazardous by-products of this equipment. A copy of meeting agendas and minutes must be produced which serves as the evidence of the consultation process.
5. List down methods for how you can implement the workplace sustainability policy at MNMK Education.
Create an Implementation Strategy, which includes the following elements:
- Activities to be undertaken
- Outcomes expected
- Assigned responsibilities.
Task 2: Communicate workplace sustainability policy
Requirements -
1. Design a simple poster to promote your new workplace environmental sustainability policy.
Poster requirements:
- Must be at least A4 in size.
- Must use recycled materials.
- Must promote the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Program at MNMK Education.
- Must be interesting and eye-catching.
2. Write an email to your trainer a copy with information about the activities to be undertaken in the program, the target dates, target numbers and contact details of the person responsible for the program.
Task 3: Implement workplace sustainability policy
Requirements -
1. Develop procedures for the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle environmental sustainability program to encourage environmentally responsible disposal of IT equipment at the office.
After developing the procedures, prepare a 10 minute presentation to all office staff to communicate your procedures. You should incorporate a 5 minutes question and answer portion where you will have to demonstrate an effective way to handle stakeholder objections to recommended sustainability procedures. A copy of the developed procedures needs to be submitted as evidence.
2. Develop a plan of action (strategy) for continuous improvement in resource efficiency, specifically in the IT Department. A copy of the plan needs to be submitted as evidence.
3. Establish a recording system to track and record continuous improvement outcomes related to sustainability programs initiated in the workplace.
For example: Develop an Excel spreadsheet template to record and keep track of expenses incurred in buying toners and maintaining the office printers and photocopiers within a 6 month period. The template must include relevant headings and labels appropriate to the data to be entered (see sample below). The information later entered into the spreadsheet will be converted into graphs/charts to be used to make informed decisions about how to further improve processes and reduce costs. Also assign a member of your group as a person responsible for monitoring, recording and reporting the outcomes.
A copy of the blank template including procedures on how to fill it with data must be submitted as part of the evidence.
Sample template Item
Photocopier pages
Laser printer pages
MFD Pages
Total reams paper
Ream of paper
Cost of paper
Laser printer toners
Printer toner cost
Photocopier toners
Photocopier toner costs
MFD Toners
MFD Toner Costs
Cost p.p. for servicing
Cost of servicing
Total print costs
Task 4: Review workplace sustainability policy implementation
Requirements -
After six months of implementation, you sat down with your staff to investigate the success and/or failure of the sustainability policy implementation.
MNMK Education has been purchasing remanufactured toner cartridges with great success.
For the past 6 months, the company has purchased 220 remanufactured laser toner and inkjet printer cartridges from their supplier Green Business Products. Cost savings range from 25% - 60% of the price of new cartridges. New cartridges typically cost $98-$158 each. The company also gets $5 credit for each recycled cartridge.
In terms of lighting, the company has replaced all 60W light bulbs with 13W 6400-kelvin high-efficiency bulbs in the entire ground floor. A single 60W light bulb burns $5.96 worth of electricity per month. This is doubly the case with down lights, which typically consume 50W - which equates to 200W in an average four-light office, costing $0.03 per hour or $0.72 a day to run.
On the other hand, a 13W 6400-kelvin high-efficiency bulb consumes just $0.03 per day-one-sixth the cost of incandescent. There are 28 four-light offices in the ground floor, a library equivalent to four offices, a kitchen and dining area approximately the same size as the library and eight four-light toilets each.
1. Make a memorandum then email to stakeholders and key personnel for the review and feedback about the positive results of the company sustainability initiatives.
In the memorandum, make sure you summarise the savings listed above in an easy-to-read table comparing previous expenses over a 6 months period with the total savings to date (see sample below).
July - Dec 2011 Item
Laser toner cartridges @ $158 each
Inkjet printer cartridges @ $98 each
2. Reading the existing Environmental Sustainability Policy of MNMK Education (see Page 6), you realised that it lacks procedures for how to reduce paper and printing wastage.
Modify the procedures to include procedures for how to reduce paper and printing wastage in the company. The new and revised procedures must be submitted as part of the evidence.
Attachment:- Assignment File.rar