Develop two select commands for each table

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13831390

Use the INSERT command to add at least 20 rows of data into each table created in Week Two. Insert data appropriate for the data type of each field. Because your primary key field was set up as an identify seed, you do not need to add data to that field. Consider the relationships the tables have to one another to ensure foreign keys are added correctly.

Develop two SELECT commands for each table. One of the commands for each table should use a WHERE clause to filter the records being returned.

Execute each of your SELECT commands to ensure they are working correctly. In the Results window select all results for each SELECT command, copy with headers, and paste to the Output Results section of Appendix B, labeled to indicate which SELECT command they are from. (Screen shots of results will not meet this requirement.)

Reference no: EM13831390

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