Develop three strategies that you propose hometown

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133498170


Throughout this course, you have been developing a plan to motivate your employees at Hometown Cars by investing in your team, setting goals, giving feedback, and using competition and rewards. Now it is time to bring all those pieces together to create a final motivational game plan for Hometown Cars.


Hometown Cars has suffered challenges over the last several months since the previous general manager left the organization. Because the company did not have a succession plan in place, the sales manager, service manager, and parts manager attempted to run the organization on their own, without real leadership and without feeling fully empowered to make decisions. As a result, sales have been down company-wide, and there have been several personnel issues surrounding lack of motivation. As the new general manager, you have been developing a motivational game plan for Hometown Cars that includes investing in your team, giving feedback and setting goals, and using competition and rewards in order to motivate your employees.


Complete your Motivational Game Plan and submit it to the CEO of Hometown Cars for review. The final game plan brings together the parts you previously developed and identifies a strategy for using motivation to build leaders at Hometown Cars. Label the parts of your plan as indicated in these instructions:


Summarize in 1-2 paragraphs how you will apply Part 1 of your Motivational Game Plan - Investing in Your Team Members. Include satisfying intrinsic and extrinsic needs.

Goal Setting and Feedback

In 1-2 paragraphs, summarize how you will apply Part 2 of your Motivational Game Plan - Goal Setting and Feedback. Explain how feedback and backwards planning to set goals are used to motivate the Hometown Cars teams.

Competition and Rewards

In 1-2 paragraphs, summarize Part 3 of your Motivational Game Plan, how you will use Competition and Rewards to motivate the teams.

Building Leaders

+Complete this part of your assignment in 1-2 pages.

Briefly explain why customizing your strategy is motivational.

Develop three strategies that you propose Hometown Cars will use to build leaders in the future. These strategies should help the team avoid what happened when the last general manager left, and the company started to decline. You can use any or all of the strategies addressed in the Coach's Huddle from Week 10. Each strategy should include the following information:

The category: Challenging people, rotating leadership, professional development, mentoring, or succession planning.

Reference no: EM133498170

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