Reference no: EM13792891
Structure for research paper and out lines
The purpose of this research project is meant to focus on a human resource topic of special interest to you. While a list of possible topics has been compiled, you may choose a topic that is not on the list (must have the professor's approval)
You are to take a position on your chosen topic. For example, if you are writing a paper on "Unions in the workplace", your position may be: "Unions are a detriment to effective management".
You will be required to defend and support that position, based on quality research. The research segment of your paper should be factual with APA format appropriate citations and a bibliography. You will be required to present your research in a written paper and a formal presentation.
Research is progressive in nature and will have elements that build on one another. Your written research paper will progress in the following manner:
Step 1: Choose a topic, then a position with that topic that you would like to defend. You should begin preliminary research at this time to see what kind of information is available to support your position. This will also assist you in developing your outline.
Step 2: Develop a thesis statement base on the position you wish to defend.
Step 3: Create an outline of the specific elements you plan to cover in your research paper.
Step 4: Develop an annotated bibliography of your research sources to ensure you have both the proper quality and quantity of research to support your position. The greater the sources, the more support you will have for your research paper. The number will vary based on your topic. Once approved, you can begin writing your paper.
Step 5: Create a time-line for completion of each section of your paper based on your due date. Included in this time line should be the date of your writing center appointment. This means you must make the writing center appointment at least one week before your paper is due. Once you develop a timeline for yourself, call the writing center and make your appointment. The date given to you by the writing center should be placed on the timeline.
Step 6: Develop an abstract (no more than 100 words) of your paper.
Step 7: Write your research paper draft based on the format below. You will be required to submit your introduction section for initial feedback from Dr. Lolli. You will be required to make an appointment with Dr. Lolli to review this feedback and the direction of your paper.
Step 8: The feedback provided regarding both the content and writing structure of the draft of the introduction section must be incorporated into the introduction section in the final paper. This will part of your grade.
Step 8: Have your paper reviewed by the writing center. Going to the writing center is crucial. As I read your final paper, if I find, more than 5 spelling, grammatical, or cohesion errors on any given page, I will return the paper to you for revisions and at that point it will be considered late!
Step 9: After the writing center, make any necessary changes and submit the final paper. Included should be your title page, the abstract, and the final paper. Your paper must be numbered. Page one should be the introduction.