Develop the skills required of a software architect-a role

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM133710106

Object Oriented Analysis and Design

This template is a guide for you to organize your information. To complete it, replace the bracketed text with the relevant information. Some areas may be too large or too small for the information you're inserting. Adjust the size of the areas as necessary.

Name: [Insert your name.]

Date: [Insert the date.]

Generate your student information system (SIS) sequence diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case.

[Copy and paste your diagram here.]

Generate your SIS communication diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case.

SIS Method Specification 2 template:
[Insert information.]

Verify and validate your sequence diagram and communication diagram against your SIS functional model and structural model.
[Insert information.]

Explain your approach to the problem, the decisions you made to arrive at your solution, and how you completed it.
[Insert information.]

Reflect on this experience and the lessons you learned from it.

Develop the skills required of a software architect-a role that is in high demand in the software industry. This final project resembles a typical devell project of an actual software designer or software architect. You will have the opportunity to apply, practice, and receive feedback on how software systems are designed using objet orientation and Unified Modeling Language (UML) modeling.

For this assessment, you will assume the role of a consultant tasked with designing a student information system (SIS) for a small college that offers both online and face-to-face clas! should keep track of students' information and their course registrations. You will be provided with information about the system, its business context, and its requirements. With th information, you will need to design the software system by applying object-oriented techniques and methods and UML modeling.

Specifically, this final project is divided into three different parts, which will each be submitted separately. Each part focuses on a different stage in the development process, and will completed in sequence throughout the course. Additionally, at each stage you will validate and verify your design, explain how you arrived at it, and reflect upon your process and les learned. Through the milestones, you will have an opportunity to gather feedback first before you submit final versions. The three final project submissions are Part I: Functional Mo( submitted in Module Two then revised and submitted in Module Four), Part II: SIS Structural Model (first submitted in Module Four then revised and submitted in Module Six), and R Behavioral Model (first submitted in Module Six then revised and submitted in Module Eight).


Now that you have completed both your SIS functional model and structural model, you are ready to complete your consulting job by creating the SIS behavioral model. Based on your SIS functional model and structural model, create an SIS behavioral model consisting of the following:

A sequence diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case
A communication diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case
A method contract and a method specification of at least two methods of the sequence diagram
From the SIS functional model, Register a Student for Classes use case, and the structural model, identify the objects and the actors that participate in either the sequence diagram o communication diagram. Identify the messages that are sent and received among these objects and actors and determine the order of message passing. Formalize your findings as a diagram and a corresponding communication diagram. For the sequence diagram, show the execution occurrence when a message is sent or received. Both the sequence diagram any communication diagrams must be generated by a UML drawing tool.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Creation: From your functional model and structural model, create a UML behavioral model showing how objects from the classes of the structural model collaborate to impler use case behaviors described in the use case descriptions. Your behavioral model should include a UML sequence diagram and a UML communication diagram. The behavioral r should clearly identify the methods of each class that are needed for the collaboration in each use case. Provide a method contract and method specification of at least two mei your sequence diagram.
Testing: Verify and validate your behavioral model against the structural model and functional model of the 515 system.
Approach Explanation: Explain your approach to creating your behavioral model and the design decisions you made to create it.
Self-Reflection: Discuss your experience creating your behavioral model and the lessons you learned from it. Specifically, draw connections between your experience and the o oriented techniques and methods discussed in this course.

Reference no: EM133710106

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