Develop the segmentation-targeting and positioning strategy

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131478777 , Length: 3

Introducing a New Product to the Market

Put yourself in the position of an entrepreneur who is developing a new product or service to introduce into the market. Briefly describe the product. Then develop the segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategy for marketing the new product.

Be sure to discuss:

The overall strategy; why segmenting, targeting, and positioning are useful methodologies Segmentation and targeting choices Characteristics of the target market Why that target market is attractive The positioning strategy

Provide justifications, in the form of research, for your decisions and include your textbook and at least two references to credible sources outside of the course and its required readings/media. (The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find credible sources.)

Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length, well written.

Reference no: EM131478777

Questions Cloud

What criteria would workers need to qualify for insurance : Read the article by Lori G. Kletzer and Robert E. Litan, "A Prescription to Relieve Worker Anxiety," Policy Brief 01-2 (Washington, D.C.: Peterson Institute.
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Can we predict that change in the real rentals on capital : Suppose two countries, Canada and Mexico, produce two goods: timber and televisions. Assume that land is specific to timber, capital is specific to televisions.
Calculate the ph of the resulting solution : 6.25 g of HCl(g), a strong acid, is dissolved in water to make a 280-mL solution. Calculate the pH of the resulting solution.
Develop the segmentation-targeting and positioning strategy : Put yourself in the position of an entrepreneur who is developing a new product or service to introduce into the market. Briefly describe the product.
How does educational attainment vary across states : How does educational attainment vary across states? How well do U.S. students perform today compared to the past in math, science, and reading?
Find relationship between wheat and marginal product : Home produces two goods, computers and wheat, for which capital is specific to computers, land is specific to wheat, and labor is mobile between the two.
Conduct and in-depth interview for two respondents : Conduct and in-depth interview for two respondents about how they go through each stage of their purchase decision-making process.
Construct a plot of the average cycle time : Construct a plot of the average cycle time (y-axis) versus the rework probability (x-axis). Also construct a plot of the maximum cycle time versus the rework probability


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