Reference no: EM133794833 , Length: word count:1000
Applied Business Research
Learning Outcome 1: Apply knowledge of research principles and methods and evaluate their appropriateness to various research problems in business
Learning Outcome 2: Integrate independent research skills through a literature review
Learning Outcome 3: Justify the key considerations for ethics and integrity that relate to an area of business research practice
Learning Outcome 4: Construct and justify a proposal for conducting independent research.
Purpose: The purpose of this assessment is designed to allow students to develop the expertise necessary to formulate practical and usable research questions to resolve business problems and add to business knowledge.
Topic: Development of Research Plan.
Task Details: This research plan will set a basis for Research proposal in Assessment 4. Following consultation with the lecturer, you should identify problem which may answered by the research. You will be guided towards a suitable research problem/research question in the workshops during week 2 to week 5 (inclusive).
The research topic should be generated from one of the following themes:
The implementation on United Nation Sustainability Goals
Circular Economy
International Students
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Social Media
Note: Topics may also be identified from the suggestion for further research from articles published in relevant journal articles. The list of themes above, are only initial suggestions and will be refined and expanded in discussion with tutors/research supervisors.
The research plan should be presented in the following structure.
Cover page including Research Title
Background of the research: Research Statement, Research Importance, Research Gap.
Research Aim, Research Questions, and Research Objectives
Review of Literature (Peer-reviewed Journal articles)
Major Findings from four articles
List of references that align with Harvard Referencing format
Presentation: 1,000 words (±10%). The word count excludes the cover sheet, and references. Times New Roman 11pt, Calibri 11pt or Arial 10pt, 1.5 lines spacing, Harvard (Anglia) references.