Develop table of the five Phases of the SDLC

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM133208434

Assignment - Cyber Security Worksheet

System Development Lifecycle (SDLC) Phase Worksheet - Develop a 1- to 2-page table of the five Phases of the SDLC in NIST SP 800-64 Revision 2 that can be used in development of a security assessment plan.

SDLC Phase

Description of Phase

Control Gates used in this phase.

Expected Outputs and Policies

Assurance Professional Approval

Phase 1- Initiation

<Concisely describe each phase>

<Describe the typical control gates>

<Describe the phase deliverables and any security policies that would be needed>

<Indicate which assurance professional would review and approve at this stage>

Phase 2- Development/Acquisition

Phase 3 - Implementation/Assessment

Phase 4 - Operations/Maintenance

Phase 5 - Disposal

Reference no: EM133208434

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