Develop strategy for reducing the burden of heart disease

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132217392

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and the costliest of illnesses. Preventing heart disease and related illnesses has the potential to improve population health outcomes and lead to a healthier and more productive society. For this assignment, you will consider the role of a community health professional charged with gathering data on heart disease and designing an intervention to target the problem of heart disease in your state.

Part : Logic Model (1 pages)

Develop a strategy for reducing the burden of heart disease in your state and present it as a visual using a logic model. See an example of a logic model.

Your logic model should include a purpose, context, inputs/resources, activities, outputs, and effects/impacts relative to how the proposed initiative will work and the intended outcomes of the initiative. The logic model should be presented on one page and included in the Appendixof the paper as an exhibit.

The logic model should reflect on concepts covered in the course, such as preventive strategies, social determinants of health, health disparities, health promotion, healthcare quality and costs, chronic care management, marketing concepts, etc.

You may create a logic model or locate a template on the internet. There are a number of videos on the internet about this. Here is one that provides a brief introduction to program logic models (outcomes models).

Create the logic model.

Reference no: EM132217392

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