Reference no: EM133013998
True of False
1) The growing emphasis on education and human capital reflects several social and economic factors, such as the increase in primary-sector employment.
2) Recent research indicates that there is a strong positive relationship between employee engagement and organizational performance.
3) HRM has evolved over the last few decades due to economic forces such as globalization, technological changes, and environmental concerns, all of which make human capital more important.
4) It is uncommon for managers to request reports from the HRIS.
5) Data can help HR managers make recommendations and develop strategies for their workforces.
6) Research indicates that companies that use technology effectively to manage their HR functions are more effective than those that do not.
7) HRP is a process of reviewing human resources requirements to ensure that an organization has the required number of employees, with the necessary skills, to meet its goals.
8) Human resources planning is a reactive process which both anticipates and influences an organization's future.
9) Exchanging ideas without face-to-face interaction is a characteristic of the nominal group forecasting technique.
10) Managerial judgment is central to qualitative forecasting, but plays only a small role in quantitative forecasting techniques.
11) Short-term and long-range HR demand forecasts only provide half of the staffing equation by answering the question "How many employees will we need?"
12) Failure to update skills and management inventories can lead to present employees being overlooked for job openings.
13) To project the supply of outside candidates, employers assess general economic conditions.
14) Highly educated immigrants are the predominant drivers of growth in the Canadian labour pool.
15) A process chart shows the organization-wide division of work, how the job in question relates to other jobs, and where the job fits in the overall organization.
16) Conducting the job analysis is the sole responsibility of the HR specialist.
17) The interview is the most widely used method for identifying job duties and responsibilities.
18) Job analysis is often a prelude to changing a job's pay rate.
19) Interviews used for job analysis typically follow an unstructured format.
20) After completing an interview, the data should be verified with the worker's immediate supervisor.
21) Observation as a data collection method in a job analysis is most appropriate for jobs entailing a lot of mental activity.
22) Employers may provide employees pocket dictating machines and pagers to record activities at random times of the work day.
23) HR professionals are increasingly expected by their employers to be change agents who lead the organization and its employees through change.
24) The growing emphasis on education and human capital reflects several social and economic factors, such as the increase in primary-sector employment.
25) Recent research indicates that there is a strong positive relationship between employee engagement and organizational performance.