Reference no: EM133525154
Assignment: Exegetical Paper- Biblical Map and Application
The Exegetical Paper is important for applying to a specific passage what you have learned about hermeneutics. In this paper you will use the passage you picked for your earlier paper and offer an application for the passage that is aimed at a contemporary church setting. You will also investigate the place your passage and its principlesinhabit in the overall story of the Bible. This assignment will provide an opportunity for you to show how the principles from your passage fit in a contemporary church setting as well as in the overall biblical map. This will address the fourth and fifth aspect of the Interpretive Journey: Consult the Biblical Map-make sure that the theological principles fit with the rest of Scripture; and Grasping the Text in our Town-the importance of application. This second exegetical paper assignment helps you synthesize the content of your passage.
Use the passage from your initial exegetical paper assignment and start with the principles you developed for that passage. The paper should contain: an introduction, a brief summary of the principles found in the passage, an investigation into how those principles fit in the overall story of the Bible, a specific and measurable application of the principles of this passage, and a conclusion. You should include a bibliography for any sources you use (and be sure to offer footnotes for citation of sources).
A. Use the passage from the initial paper.
B. Offer an introduction (complete with a clear and concise thesis statement and an overview of the paper's contents) regarding the topic of the paper.
C. Summarize the principles from the passage.
D. Examine where these principles fit in the overall narrative of the Bible. Are the principles in line with other biblical viewpoints? Use the information given by Duvall and Hays to discuss these issues.
E. Develop specific and measurable applications for those principles in a contemporary setting. Use the information given by Duvall and Hays to develop these applications.
F. Offer a formal conclusion to the paper.
G. Write a research paper of between 5-10 double spaced pages.
H. Edit for typos, spelling, grammar, and style based on current Turabian formatting.
I. There should be at least 7 scholarly sources.
J. For format questions, see the School of Divinity Writing Guide or contact your instructor.