Develop skills to independently think of innovation

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131643023

Assessment - Security Challenges in Emerging Networks

Purpose of the assessment

- The purpose of this assignment is to develop skills to independently think of innovation. Students will be able to complete the following ULOs:

Identify and report network threats, select and implement appropriate countermeasures for network security

Use security policies to manage operational security, and then administer those policies to ensure compliance by users in an organization

Demonstrate professional and ethical behaviour with regard to network security.

Assignment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to develop skills to independently think of innovation. In this assignment students will first learn how to develop knowledge based on current state of the art of an emerging knowledge domain. Then they will learn how to identify plausible security issues in this emerging technology and finally learn the skill of adding knowledge to existing domain by theoretically developing the corresponding protection mechanism for a particular issue.

Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging area in computer networking. Internet of Things could refer to a network of devices with embedded technology including Sensors, Radio Frequency Identification tags, actuators, with the ability to continuously sense and exchange data to perform a range of tasks.The IoT will have a major impact on aspects of everyday-lives and behaviour of users. Security of Internet of Things is a prime concern.

This assignment includes four parts

1. Literature review on Internet of Things (IoT)

You need to write 800 word literature on IoT. Your literature should be supported by at least three (3) academic (Journal/Conference) papers chosen from the current state of the art.

2. Analyse critically,three current or future security issues in IoT.

In this section you will analyse critically, three security issues in Internet of Things. These issues could be taken from the current state of the art or could be evolved from your own independent innovative thinking. This section must be supported by at least three (3) references.

3. Propose a possible solution for one of the threats identified in section(2).

In this part you need to apply knowledge to the existing knowledge domain of IoT. You need to choose one of the issues identified in the previous section and propose a possible solution to this particular security issue.

4. Create a 3 - 5 minutes presentation and present your work during the Lab.

You have to create a 3 - 5 minutes presentation to present your work in front of your class fellows and tutor during the Lab in Week 11.

Verified Expert

The report has been ascertained by dealing the activities of network security by adjusting the performance on delivering the aptitudes regulating the internet on things and its associated perception. It has been assessed regarding the factors that the performance of the security has been identified with the adjustments regulating the scenario so as to endeavor the primary considerations that regulate the business.

Reference no: EM131643023

Questions Cloud

Discuss about the trans-pacific partnership : What are the implications for Australia of the US's withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)? Overall, does this move represent an opportunity.
Recommend a treatment plan : cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure who has been hospitalized frequently to treat CHF symptoms
Identify an ethical dilemma facing your chosen discipline : Identify and clarify an ethical dilemma facing your chosen discipline (i.e., health education, health care management, or environmental health).
Choose a political issue : Choose a political issue. Not one you know about or even care about. It helps you be objective if it is an issue you know little about.
Develop skills to independently think of innovation : Analyse critically,three current or future security issues in IoT - Create a 3 - 5 minutes presentation and present your work during the Lab
What are the advantages and disadvantages of patents : What are the advantages and disadvantages of patents? What do these advantages suggest about the use of patents as part of your technology strategy?
Discuss lower-limb amputation and blindness : Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, nondramatic lower-limb amputation and blindness
What is the importance of them to a facility owner : Budgeting and forecasting - what are these two concepts and what is the importance of them to a facility owner?
An overview of the major components : A brief summary of the documents read to include the purpose of the documents, an overview of the major components, and your thoughts.



11/30/2017 5:14:59 AM

first of all these I got good marks very good job I really like this tutor. best job he is done. I m so happy about this solution. thanks for your service. Everything was perfect


11/30/2017 5:14:03 AM

Can you please send a payment link through paypal I m in Australia so please send the link accordingly Could you please follow the reference style..!! it should be in IEEE REFERENCING


9/15/2017 2:15:13 AM

Propose a possible solution /6 Advance discussion on threats mitigation using latest technologies and procedures Good discussion on threats mitigation using technologies and procedures Good discussion on threats and mitigation Discussion on threats and mitigation Lacking discussion on threats and mitigation Report Layout /5 Well designed layout and proper formatting in IEEE Conference Style Well designed layout in IEEE Conference style Layout in IEEE Conference style Report layout and formatted but not in IEEE Conference style Report lacks a proper layout Reference style /5 Clear styles with excellent source of references. Clear referencing style Generally good referencing style Sometimes clear referencing style Lacks consistency with many errors Presentation slides /4 Well organised and resourceful Organised and resourceful Resourceful but could be better organised Resourceful slides Neither resourceful nor well organised Oral Presentation /4 Good delivery, easy to follow and good interaction Delivered, easy to follow and provided a level of interaction Delivered and provided a level of interaction Delivered No oral presentation


9/15/2017 2:15:06 AM

Grade Mark HD 40-50 DI 35-39 CR 30-34 P 25-29 Fail <25 Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Introduction /5 All topics are pertinent and covered in depth. Ability to think critically and source material is demonstrated Topics are relevant and soundly analysed. Generally relevant and analysed. Some relevance and briefly presented. This is not relevant to the assignment topic. Literature Review /15 Finding is clearly linked and well justified Finding is clearly linked and justified Finding is linked and convincing Finding is not linked and unjustified Finding is not available Analyse Critically /6 Exceptional discussion on security vulnerabilities for the system. Identifying highly sophisticated and well referenced vulnerabilities Exceptional discussion on security vulnerabilities for the system. Discussion on three security vulnerabilities Discussion on Two security vulnerabilities Unable to identify security vulnerabilities


9/15/2017 2:14:57 AM

Report Layout The report should be written in IEEE conference format 5 Reference style Follow IEEE reference style 5 Presentation Slides The presentation slides should be well organised and clear. 4 Oral Presentation Delivery of the presentation 4 Total 50 Marking Rubric for Assignment #2: Total Marks 50


9/15/2017 2:14:49 AM

Submission Guidelines The assignment should be submitted on the Moodle in two separate files: 1. The report should be submitted as a Word file 2. The presentation should be submitted as a PPT file Marking criteria: Section to be included in the report Description of the section Marks Introduction Introduction of Internet of Things 5 Literature Review Literature review of Internet of Things 15 Analyse critically Analyse critically, three security vulnerabilities of Internet of Things. 6 Propose a possible solution Discuss a threat mitigation technique for one of the security vulnerability 6

Write a Review

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