Develop skills in managing data in databases

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132296654

Purpose of the assessment

The purpose of this assignment is to develop skills in managing data in databases and to gain understanding of data model development and implementation using a commercially available database management system development tool.

On completion of this assignment students will be able to:
a. Model organisational information requirements using conceptual data modelling techniques.
b. Convert the conceptual data models into relational data modeland verify their structural characteristics with normalisation techniques.

Data Modelling

1. The snapshot of Car_HireDB database structureof "Rent a car" company is given in Figure 1.

This is a car renting business and database collects information about customers, carsand details of booking made online.

For each booking system assigns unique booking ID, and stores date of hire and date on which the vehicle is to be returned and payment received (amount). Customers make their payments at the time of booking. A customer cannot hire a car for longer than a week.

You are working as an IT specialist in this organisation and are required to extract information from this database by executing SQL queries according to the instructions given below.

The primary keys are marked in the Car_HireDB database, shown in figure1.


Figure 1: Snapshot of Car_HireDBdatabase

a. First you need to createthe above database in MS Access. Create only 4 tables Customer, Booking, VehicleandBooking_status. (5 Marks)

b. And populate those tables with suitable data (at least 3 records per table).

i. You can use Datasheet view in MS Access or SQL statement (as given below) to enter suitable data records.
INSERT into TableName
VALUES ("..","..",.....)

ii. Include Proper foreign keys to create relationships in between tables.
Hint: If you want to create a one-to-many relationship in your database include one side primary key in the many side table as foreign keys.

Eg. In order to create one-to-many relationship between Customer and Booking, include Custiomer_id in Booking table.

You need to create and upload your database on submission linkonly during the week 6 laboratory class.

Write SQL queries for the following questions.

Execute the queries on the "Car_HireDB" database you created in MS Access. Include screen shots of the outputs and all SQL statements you used to answer following questions:

c. Prepare a list of all the records in the "Booking" table where Payment_received is greater than $500. You are required to sort the list in descending order of "Payment_received".

d. Assume that you want to count how many vehicles are there withengine capacity higher than or equal to 1500 CC in the vehicle table. Write a query to find the number.

e. Display customer_id, customer_name,phone_number, booking_id, and payment_received for all customers who paid more than $1000 in the Booking table (Hint: JoinCustomer table and Booking table)

2. Figure 2 shows the ER diagram that captures important information aboutcustomers, supplier and orders in car parts business.


Figure 2: Data Model for Customers and Car parts

a. Convert the ER diagram into a relational database schema. Be certain to indicate primary keys (underline).Eg. Suppliers(SupplierID:Number; Supp_contact: Number)

NB: You are required to identifymany-to-many relationships in the ER diagram and include Associative / Bridge entities.

3. Business intelligence (BI) uses tools and processes to capture, collect, integrate, store, and analyse data to generate and present information to support business decision making.Components of the BI framework are given in the Figure 3(Refer: Chap 13 -Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management -By Carlos Coronel and Steven Morris).


Figure 3:Components of BI framework

Reference: Chap 13 -Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management

Answer following questions.

a. Briefly describe the term "Business Intelligence".

b. Describe the term "Data Analytics"and whyit is important in Business Intelligence.
(3 Marks)

c. Create 2 Data visualisations using Tableau. Use data provided in "Resources/ Sample Data section in the Tableau.

First you need to install Tableau App. Instructions are given below.

Tableau is a data visualization tool.Tableau can help anyone see and understand their data. Connect to almost any database, drag and drop to create visualizations. Install Tableau Public on your laptop /computer and create any 2 visualisations.

Follow the following instructions:

i. First go to Tableau Public and enter your email address and select "Download the App"

ii. Then you can download the software and run the .exe file to install.

iii. Now you will get the following starting screen. Here you can upload MSExcel or MS Access file. Watch this video to find more details on "How to".

iv. You can use any data set in available in Resource section of Tableau to create 2 visualisations. It should be your own individual work.

Part C:

4. Performance Evaluation

Demonstrate your progress to your tutor in week 7 or week 8 lab classes.

This will allow students to demonstrate their understandings and skills (to theirteacher) as they perform these activities. You are evaluated by the teacher on the quality of your ability to perform specific tasks and the products you create in the process. Your final mark for this assignment will be calculated based on this evaluation as describe.

Attachment:- Data Modelling and Managing Data in Databases.rar

Reference no: EM132296654

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4/30/2019 3:56:25 AM

PART C Performance Evaluation (%) Question 4 Only during week 7 or week 8 lab classes Demonstrate your progress to your tutor in week 7 or week 8 lab classes. Final mark for this assignment will be calculated based on this 15


4/30/2019 3:56:13 AM

PART B Data Modelling (60 marks) Question 1 (Part a AND b) Week 6 (During Lab classes). Model building:Build and upload your database on the submission link in week 6 lab. 10 Question 1 (Part c, d AND e) Week 8 (On to Moodle submission link). SQL query writing 20 Question 2 Week 8 (On to Moodle submission link). Questions on mapping conceptual data models into relational data model/Issues related to integrity of database. 15 Question 3 Week 8 (On to Moodle submission link). Model organisational information requirements 25


4/30/2019 3:56:06 AM

PART A Online QUIZ Assignment 1 Quiz Only during week 7 or week 8 lab classes An online quiz on Moodle, comprising 30 questions-have 3 attempts to answer this quiz. The quiz will open only in week 7 and week 8 lab classes. 30


4/30/2019 3:55:59 AM

Part A - Quiz 15/30 Part B – Data Modelling 40/60 Part C –Performance Evaluation 10/15 Total (out of 90) 15+(40*10/15) = 42 Part A - Quiz 15/30 Part B – Data Modelling 40/60 Part C –Performance Evaluation 0/15 Total (out of 90) 15+(40*0/15) = 15


4/30/2019 3:55:45 AM

Part A: An online quiz on Moodle, comprising 30 questions. In Week 7 / 8 Lab classes. This quiz coversbasic concepts of the relational data models. Students may have up to 3 attempts to answerthis quiz. The system will keep the highest score. Part B: Question 1 (a) and (b) - Assignment 1 database creation Submit in Week 6. Question 1 (c)-(d) SQL Queries to extract data from data tablesSubmit in Week 8 Question 2 - questions on mapping conceptual data models into relational data model. Submit in Week 8. Question 3 - Model organisational information requirements – BI tool to visualise data. Submit in Week 8. Part C: Performance demonstration (15 marks).


4/30/2019 3:55:37 AM

90 = 30 (for online quiz- Part A) + [60 (for Part B) * % Factor for Part C] Part B- Final mark for Part B is calculated based on % of the scores obtained for Part C (performance evaluation) This assignment consists of three parts: 30 (for online quiz- Part A)+ [60(for Part B) *Factor of Performance Evaluation (for Part C)]

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