Reference no: EM132332219
Garment Manufacture
The aim of this unit is to further develop skills and understanding of manufacturing techniques and processes involved in clothing production.
Learning outcomes
LO1 Be able to produce a finished sample garment
1.1 Select and apply suitable techniques for working with different fabric types
1.2 Produce a sample garment to industry quality
1.3 Select and apply appropriate and effective methods of manufacture
LO2 Be able to use equipment and technologies for garment manufacture
2.1 Use appropriate industrial equipment and technologies safely and correctly
LO3 Be able to produce a capsule collection of finished garments
3.1 Plan the order and methods of make, working from original designs and patterns
3.2 Produce a finished collection of garments to industry quality
LO4 Understand the use of manufacturing equipment and technologies in creating and presenting a capsule collection
4.1 Critically evaluate the finished collection in terms of fitness for purpose, creativity and quality of manufacture
4.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of manufacturing equipment and technologies used.