Reference no: EM133803155 , Length: word count:1800
Assignment Report
Learning outcome 1: Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the tools and frameworks of strategy to perform a meaningful analysis to generate coherent strategic options and choice.
Learning outcome 2: Select and apply a range of strategy tools, concepts and frameworks appropriate to analyse unstructured problems presented by the external and internal business environment.
Assignment Brief
Assignment Instructions:
Produce a written report that develops recommendations for the strategic direction for the company studied in Assignment 1. Produce short, critical reflection on the process of developing the strategy.
Written Report (1,800 words):
• Introduction: Briefly restate the company and the strategic challenge.
• Strategic Analysis Summary: Concisely summarize the strategic analysis from Assignment 1.
• Strategic Recommendations: Develop detailed strategic recommendations based on the analysis. Justify each recommendation using strategic management frameworks.
• Reflection: Reflect on the overall strategic development process identifying areas where this might be improved.
The Unit Information Form states the Threshold Expectations that inform both you and markers what is the minimum needed to be demonstrated to pass the assessment. They should, therefore, answer the question "What do I need to do pass?". During the assessment introductory session, you should be given the opportunity to check your understanding of the threshold statements and what you need to do to surpass them.
You must make sure that you use high quality sources and support the analysis and recommendations with evidence-based argument. Make sure that the frameworks that you select are appropriate for the tasks that you are required to do and that you apply them to achieve insight.
The assessment marking criteria listed below show how your work is assessed. The assessment criteria are informed by the unit's learning outcomes and the assessment task. Carefully reading the assessment criteria should help you understand the aspects that will be used to judge your progress and achievement of the learning outcomes and offer guidance on "how do I achieve a good grade". Hire Tutor Now!
You must make sure that you use high quality sources and support the analysis and recommendations with evidence-based argument. Make sure that the frameworks that you select are appropriate for the tasks that you are required to do and that you apply them to achieve insight.
"How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in the scheduled sessions" - To be completed by the unit coordinator.
-abstract, in text citation and references to be added.
-here is the feedback
Basic analysis with limited use of frameworks. Some key aspects are not fully explored or understood., Minimal integration of group insights, with little impact on the analysis., Poor justification and critical assessment. Very limited critical thinking and understanding., Report is somewhat clear but lacks proper structure. Presentation has noticeable issues in clarity and focus. What you need to do to improve:This is a strange selection of company - it would be better if you selected one from your country or region. The main weakness is a lack of reseacrh and evidence to support the analysis and the critical evaluation.