Develop rationalization for proposed

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133397405

Topic- UPS

Make a draft document for review by your professor that includes the following:

A set of measurable objectives for the next three years (i.e., specific things that the organization can do to successfully implement strategy),

An organizational chart that would allow for the above objectives to be met. If this deviates from the current structure, develop a rationalization for the proposed new structure and steps required to move the organization to a new structure, product positioning map, projected income and balance statements for the next three years. These should indicate the impact of your strategy. This is not an accounting course, but you have taken accounting at this point, so draw templates for basic statements from these experiences. You will primarily be evaluated based on the logic of your information, not on the accounting principles being applied, and assessment of the present value of your organization: what it would be worth in today's market in its present state and might be worth if this strategy is successful. The course only touches on valuation, so you will be evaluated based on the logic of your information, not the valuation itself.

Reference no: EM133397405

Questions Cloud

Develop effective recruiting and selection methods : What new training programs and processes would you propose to senior management to develop effective recruiting and selection methods
Evaluating performance development : Describe the main elements that need to be considered while evaluating performance development.
We should or should not give money to charity : What arguments could be given from Virtue Ethics to defend that we should or should not give money to charity?
Affect the optimal choice of managerial strategy : How are circumstances changing in North America, and how will these changes affect the optimal choice of managerial strategy?
Develop rationalization for proposed : Organizational chart that would allow for the above objectives to be met. If this deviates from the current structure, develop a rationalization for proposed
Find one or two organizations who have union representation : Find one or two organizations who have union representation, and discuss their pay policies.
Creating business continuity plan : You are a consultant in charge of creating a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) for UALR. Using the information in the two articles what will be your focus?
Pedagogy is concerned with the teaching processes : Pedagogy is concerned with the teaching processes. The instructors at all levels of education need to ensure that they put into practice the teaching methods
Discuss conflict resolution process : Discuss conflict resolution process that you would use to resolve workplace situation. Identify the action/s you think would work best to resolve situation


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