Reference no: EM133220401
Assume that your team has to make an computer application for Tic-tac-toe NxN game for two players.
The game should support playing in the following scenarios:
a. Both players are users (human)
b. One player is user and the second player is computer(AI)
c. Both players are computers (AI)
1. User-story : Develop questionaries' for getting information about all user stories and based on that make a list of all user's list and their requirements.
2. Usage Scenario Specification (USS) and Prototype: For all function described in the "Functional requirements" develop a document describing user interface forms relevant to that part of the application should be made.
3. Context diagram and data entitles : Develop context diagram along with data entitles. Based on data entitles propose database design.
4. Architectural design : Develop system of classes and their units for required applications. Present solution with UML diagrams.
5. Test : In order to approve your design, propose a testing strategy you would like to use along with test cases. Present at least ten (10) test cases with their description.