Develop quality customer service practices

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Reference no: EM133525540

Develop and manage quality customer service - Diploma of hospitality management

Part A - Develop quality customer service practices

You are working as the Manager of Champion's Sports Bar which forms part of the Marino Complex. Your manager has sent you the email below:

Task A1 - Request customer feedback
As instructed, request feedback from all customers in the database by sending them the correct survey.

Step 1 - send email
Write an email and attach the survey to all customersand include:
• an overview of what is attached
• a request for their feedback and a statement explaining the importance of customer feedback
• a request for completed surveys to be sent back to your email address
• other information you deem appropriate.
Before you send your email, check you have used effective communication, the correct greeting, have met all of the criteria listed above and have provided quality service in accordance with industry standards.
• Send your email to your assessor in Moodle.
• After sending your email take a screen shot of the sent email and paste it below.

Task A2 - request staff feedback
Now you have sought feedback from customers, you must now contact your staff to seek their feedback and provide them with an opportunityto contribute to the improvement of customer service practices.
Step 1
Review the current complaints log SITXCCS016_Complaint log
Step 2 - send email
Based on your analysis of complaints and issues raised by the General Manager, write an email to all staff in Moodle in accordance with ‘How to send emails from Moodle - Student' instructions, which includes:
• an overview of current issues
• a statement explaining what you have been tasked with
• a request for their feedback relating to:
o current product and service provision
o potential causes of issues
o suggested improvements for enhancing quality service practices
• other information you deem appropriate

Task A3 - review data
The customer satisfaction survey results are now collated and so too are the emails from your staff. Your Assistant Manager has collated the survey results along with other customer feedback, staff feedback and social media complaints in the following document: SITXCCS016_AT2_Internal data
You must review this internal data and conduct research externally to identify any changes, trends or developments that may be impacting customer service practices. Once you have conducted your research and completed your analysis, you must document your findings and prepare a proposed plan of action.
For industry-specific data, the Australian Industry and Skills Committee has excellent data and reports which will be useful to you. Go to the following link for more information:

Step 1
Review the internal data received SITXCCS016_AT2_Internal data and information contained in the SITXCCS016_Complaint log
Step 2
Conduct research online into current trends, developments, changes, industry standards, codes, and service standards
Step 3
Review the SITXCCS016__ACL Guide to learn more about consumer protection requirements under Australian Consumer Law
Step 4 - audit
Document your findings and analysis using the SITXCCS016_AT2_Customer service audit template, which must include the following sections:
• Internal analysis:
o Overview of feedback received
o A review of existing policies, procedures, and standards and if these meet industry standards
• External analysis:
o Overview of research conducted, outlining applicable trends, changes, or other notable information
• Outcomes of analysis and research:
o A summary of whether existing customer service provision is effective or not, justifying your position with the data analysed and research conducted
o A list of issues and problems identified and categorise them appropriately
o A minimum of three (3) suggested improvements based on the feedback you have received and solutions you have identified to overcome issues/problems identified
Step 5 - save the audit
Save your audit and make a copy. Name it SITXCCS016_[Your Name]_Part A_AT2_Customer service audit submission1 (if your first attempt, submission2 if your second etc.)
Step 6 - send email
Send the audit to the General Manager, by attaching it to an email in Moodle in accordance with ‘How to send emails from Moodle - Student' instructions, which includes:
• an overview of what is attached
• a request for review and feedback
• a request for approval for proposed solutions
• other information you deem appropriate

Task A4-develop three policies
You have received a response from your manager:

As instructed, you will need to develop policies and procedures for the three (3) areas identified that are fit-for purpose for Champion's Sports Bars needs and ensure they meet the industry standards you researched and identified in Task A3. You may use a suitable template of your choice to develop them, but they must be in line with the Marino Style Guide. Policy review should be set at 12 months and procedures set at 6 months.
In accordance with industry standards, each policy and procedure must be written in the following format:

1 Purpose
2 Scope
3 Definitions
4 Policy statement
5 Procedures
6 Consultation and communication of the policy/procedure
7 Effective date
8 Review date

Task A5 - share policies
You have received a response from your manager:

As instructed, you must now make sure the new policies are accessible to customers.
Step 1
Write an email to IT and attach the applicable policies, also include:
• an overview of what is attached
• a request for the policies to be uploaded to the website, so they are accessible to customers
• other information you deem appropriate.

Part B - Manage the delivery of quality customer service

This practical project requires you to engage in five (5) roleplays. For each roleplay, you are the Manager at Champion's Sports Bar. The first role play will be the training session with your team, and the other four (4) roleplays will be a range of situations where you will be required to monitor the implementation of your policies and procedures over four (4) service periods.
You will need to provide/lead customer service practices in accordance with Champion's Sports Bar policies and procedures, including those you have developed. Ensure you are well versed with the requirements outlined in the policies and procedure you developed. In each scenario, ensure you are monitoring adherence with customer service policies and procedures, and you are acting as a positive role model.

Roleplay B1- Team meeting
Details of your roleplay are:

Scenario You will need to run your training session with the team, ensuring you:
- provide an overview of the audit and key findings
- provide copies of the new policies and procedures
- discuss each of the policies and procedures and allow time for input, feedback, and questions
- go through an example or exercise to demonstrate adherence to the new procedures
- take a suggestion box and explain the new approach
Note: You do not need to create a suggestion box; your assessor will provide you with one to use.

Interaction objectives During the role play, your assessor will be looking to see you can:
• Provide copies of, and effectively communicate the requirements of the existing and newly developed policies, procedures, and expectations, based on audit findings
• Encourage staff participation in the development of customer service practices and request their feedback
• Initiate customer service training by way of providing an example or acting out a scenario to demonstrate the application of the new and adjusted policies, procedures, and expectations
• Communicate new approaches to customer service to staff involved in service delivery by explaining the use of the new suggestion box and the importance of regular feedback
• Act as a positive role model for professional standards expected of service industry personnel

Carefully read this checklist. It tells you what your assessor is looking for when they observe you and how you will be marked. This checklist is for assessor use only.

1 Provide copies of, and effectively communicate the requirements of the newly developed policies, procedures, and expectations, based on audit findings
2 Encourage staff participation in the development of customer service practices and request their feedback
3 Initiate customer service training by way of providing an example or acting out a scenario to demonstrate the application of the new and adjusted policies, procedures, and expectations
4 Communicate new approaches to customer service to staff involved in service delivery by explaining the use of the new suggestion box and the importance of regular feedback
5 Act as a positive role model for professional standards expected of service industry personnel.

Roleplay B2- Customer interaction
Details of your roleplay are:

Roleplay title Manage a customer interaction (service period 1)
Scenario You are managing a shift and you hear the phone ring. One of your staff picks up the phone to answer it.

Prior to the role play Prior to your roleplay, review the observation checklist as it tells you what the assessor will be looking for when they observe you and how you will be marked. After the roleplay, be sure to take notes as you will be required to adjust policies and procedures in Part C, based on the feedback you receive during each roleplay.
Required resources Policies and procedures, you developed in Task A4
Confirm your trainer/assessor has provided the role play participants with their role player guide
Interaction objectives During the role play, your assessor will be looking to see you can:
• Act professionally and as a positive role model, taking responsibility for providing services to customers, resolving complaints and conflict as needed
• Monitor and implement customer service practices in the workplace to ensure standards are met, referencing applicable policies, procedures and expectations as required
• Initiate training as needed to develop your teams' customer service skills and knowledge, based on your assessment of the effectiveness of the interaction
• Seek feedback from customers to enable involvement in the improvement of customer service practices and product/service offerings, allowing for discussion and a greater understanding of their needs, expectations, and satisfaction levels
• Seek feedback from staff after each interaction to enable involvement in the improvement of customer service practices, product/service offerings and meeting customer service needs

Roleplay B3- Customer interaction
Details of your roleplay are:

Roleplay title Manage a customer interaction (service period 2)
Scenario While managing the shift this service period you notice that one of your staff, Susan, is looking very red-faced and flustered at one of her tables and a man sitting at the table does not look impressed. Susan comes over to you and explains that they would like to speak to the manager. This is an opportunity for you to initiate on-the-job training to reinforce customer service practices as Susan can observe you managing the complaint.
Prior to the role play Prior to your roleplay, review the observation checklist as it tells you what the assessor will be looking for when they observe you and how you will be marked. After the roleplay, be sure to take notes as you will be required to make adjustments to policies and procedures in Part C, based on the feedback you receive during each roleplay.

Required resources Policies and procedures, you developed in Task A4
Confirm your trainer/assessor has provided the role play participants with their role player guide
Interaction objectives During the role play, your assessor will be looking to see you can:
• Act professionally and as a positive role model, taking responsibility for providing services to customers, resolving complaints and conflict as needed
• Monitor and implement customer service practices in the workplace to ensure standards are met, referencing applicable policies, procedures and expectations as required
• Initiate training as needed to develop your teams' customer service skills and knowledge, based on your assessment of the effectiveness of the interaction
• Seek feedback from customers to enable involvement in the improvement of customer service practices and product/service offerings, allowing for discussion and a greater understanding of their needs, expectations, and satisfaction levels
• Seek feedback from staff after each interaction to enable involvement in the improvement of customer service practices, product/service offerings and meeting customer service needs

Roleplay B4- Customer interaction
Details of your roleplay are:

Roleplay title Manage a customer interaction (service period 3)
Scenario You are working in a different service period and an employee, Bryan, who is one of the supervisors, calls you over with an alarmed look on his face.
Participants Student + 1 role player to play the role of Bryan
Date/time/location Trainer/assessor to advise
Role play length Approximately 5 minutes
Prior to the role play Prior to your roleplay, review the observation checklist as it tells you what the assessor will be looking for when they observe you and how you will be marked. After the roleplay, be sure to take notes as you will be required to make adjustments to policies and procedures in Part C, based on the feedback you receive during each roleplay.
Required resources Policies and procedures, you developed in Task A4
Confirm your trainer/assessor has provided the role play participants with their role player guide
Interaction objectives During the role play, your assessor will be looking to see you can:
• Act professionally and as a positive role model, taking responsibility for providing services to customers, resolving complaints and conflict as needed
• Monitor and implement customer service practices in the workplace to ensure standards are met, referencing applicable policies, procedures and expectations as required
• Initiate training as needed to develop your teams' customer service skills and knowledge, based on your assessment of the effectiveness of the interaction
• Seek feedback from customers to enable involvement in the improvement of customer service practices and product/service offerings, allowing for discussion and a greater understanding of their needs, expectations, and satisfaction levels
• Seek feedback from staff after each interaction to enable involvement in the improvement of customer service practices, product/service offerings and meeting customer service needs

Roleplay B5- Customer interaction
Details of your roleplay are:

Roleplay title Manage a customer interaction (service period 4)
Scenario It is 10 pm, and you and two of your team members are tending the bar tonight. The kitchen has just closed, and the bar is at about 50% occupancy. A rowdy group of young men stagger into the bar announcing in very slurred voices that it is Will's 21st birthday today and order a round of shots. You can clearly see that most of them are intoxicated. This is an opportunity for you to initiate on-the-job training for your team members to reinforce customer service practices as you deescalate the situation.
Participants Student + 1 role player (or more) to play the roles of the rowdy customers
Date/time/location Trainer/assessor to advise
Role play length Approximately 5 minutes
Prior to the role play Prior to your roleplay, review the observation checklist as it tells you what the assessor will be looking for when they observe you and how you will be marked. After the roleplay, be sure to take notes as you will be required to adjust policies and procedures in Part C, based on the feedback you receive during each roleplay.
Required resources Policies and procedures, you developed in Task A4
Confirm your trainer/assessor has provided the role play participants with their role player guide
Interaction objectives During the role play, your assessor will be looking to see you can:
• Act professionally and as a positive role model, taking responsibility for providing services to customers, resolving complaints and conflict as needed
• Monitor and implement customer service practices in the workplace to ensure standards are met, referencing applicable policies, procedures and expectations as required
• Initiate training as needed to develop your teams' customer service skills and knowledge, based on your assessment of the effectiveness of the interaction
• Seek feedback from customers to enable involvement in the improvement of customer service practices and product/service offerings, allowing for discussion and a greater understanding of their needs, expectations, and satisfaction levels
• Seek feedback from staff after each interaction to enable involvement in the improvement of customer service practices, product/service offerings and meeting customer service needs

Part C - Evaluate and adjust policies and procedures
Now you have implemented and monitored customer service quality over four service periods, you must now evaluate whether current services are effective and make necessary adjustments to improve service provision.
Task C1 - document review
Based on what you experienced over the four service periods, you must now document what occurred in the monitoring and review section of the customer service audit. In this section, document:
• A summary of the customer and staff feedback you received when monitoring and implementing customer service interactions in the Part B role plays
• Document your assessment of the effectiveness of customer service practices and the new policies and procedures
• A minimum of two (2) changes or adjustments you need to make based on the interactions
Save your audit and make a copy. Name it SITXCCS016_[Your Name]_Part C_AT2_Customer service audit submission1 (if your first attempt, submission2 if your second etc.)

Task C2 - adjust policies and procedures
Your manager has sent you the email below:

Good afternoon
Thanks very much for the updated audit - it is great to see you are actively implementing and monitoring the new procedures. It is excellent you were able to provide real-time feedback and training to staff as well, that is so important when improving the skills and knowledge of the staff.
In addition to the changes/improvements you have identified, I have heard back from senior management, and they have suggested that we have clear targets for responding to customer enquiries. Can you please add the following to our communications policy? Respond in the following timeframes wherever possible:
o Email same day
o Social media same day
o Letters within three (3) working days of receipt
Once you have made your adjustments, please communicate them to the team.

As instructed, you must make the necessary adjustments to the policies and procedures and communicate these to the team.

Step 1 - make a copy of your policy and procedures document
Open the policies and procedures you developed in Part A and save a copy. In this copy, turn on ‘tracked changes' and make the applicable adjustments so these changes are easily identified.

Step 2 - save the document
Save this document and name it SITXCCS016_[Your Name]_Part C_AT2_policies and procedures submission1 (if your first attempt, submission2 if your second etc.)

Step 3 - send an email
Write an email to the team with the policies and procedures attached to include:
• an overview of changes made to policies and procedures
• a statement to reinforce expected customer service standards
• a statement thanking them for their continued efforts and feedback
• other information you deem appropriate

Attachment:- Develop and manage quality customer service.rar

Reference no: EM133525540

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