Develop proposed research questions for health care issue

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Reference no: EM133490895

Assignment: Research Methods for a Proposed Health Care Issue Paper

The purpose of this assignment is to identify which research method best applies to the proposed health care issue previously identified in Topic 2 and to develop the proposed research questions to address your selected issue.

Note, you are not conducting a research study in this course.

Write a paper (1,000 to 1,250 words) evaluating the appropriate research method for your health care proposal. Address the following items in your discussion.

Question 1. Compare the three basic research methods (qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods).

Question 2. Justify which method would work best based on the research design.

Question 3. Develop proposed research questions for the identified health care issue.

Question 4. Describe the ethical considerations and the requirement for the Institutional Review Board (IRB) in the development of research studies.

Reference no: EM133490895

Questions Cloud

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Develop proposed research questions for health care issue : HCA 540- Justify which method would work best based on the research design. Develop proposed research questions for the identified health care issue.
Explain groupthink and group polarization : Which concept (groupthink or group polarization) best explains how online chat groups can reinforce conspiracy theories? Explain.
Describe integrated coastal zonemanagement in relation : Describe Integrated Coastal Zonemanagement in relation to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park around Townsvillearea.
What was the transatlantic slave trade : What was the transatlantic slave trade? Where did enslaved Africans come from? How did the trade differ according to specific regions in the Americas?
Describe integrated coastal zone management : Describe Integrated Coastal Zone management in relation to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park around Townsville area.


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