Reference no: EM132332413 , Length: word count:3000
Assignment - Management Proposal Big Data Capabilities
Develop a proposal for management of a nominated organisation to implement Big Data capabilities.
Include a high-level architecture and recommendations of which Big Data technologies and methodologies should be introduced and why.
About this Assignment -
This assignment is giving you practice in bringing together the knowledge you have acquired in this course, applying it to a business need and being able to communicate that. Imagine that you are presenting your proposal to the senior management team of your chosen organisation. Assume that the audience know little about big data, but they want to make better use of their data which is why you have been invited to submit a proposal.
However, the assignment is not just a sales pitch - you must demonstrate that you know what you are talking about, back up your arguments with evidence, communicate new concepts and demonstrate to the audience that you would be worth engaging.
You are being assessed on demonstrating your understanding and applying it, not just finding and presenting information of 'experts'. This assignment requires you to work things out yourself as well as making use of research.
Note: You are recommending what would need to be done, not actually doing it - ie. you don't have to build any big data capacity or do big data analysis.
Nominated Organisations - Choose one of these:
- Bunnings Hardware
- McDonald's
- Salvation Army
Or choose your own, but check with the lecturer first. If you choose your own, select an organisation you're personally interested in. Please do not contact the organisation.
Business priority -
Identify a key business priority of your chosen organisation - this shows the audience you understand their needs. You can use their strategic plan or annual report to identify this. Some priorities will be issues or threats the organisation is facing, some will be opportunities or initiatives they are pursuing. Big data is useful in both situations - specially to discover opportunities and issues the organisation isn't currently aware of.
The business priority should be significant enough to impact the organisation as a whole - to justify why the organisation should invest in big data now and in an ongoing basis. Otherwise the risk is your proposal would be seen as a once off solution to an existing opportunity or problem.
Examples of business priorities can be found in the 'Big Data Fundamentals' topics.
Also assume that the chosen organisation has no big data capability currently. So, don't research what they do actually have in place.
Big data approach
Outline the steps you would use to implement the big data capability. See the 'Big data analytics approach' in the 'Big Data Analytics - Overview and Challenges' presentation and the 'Big Data Initiatives - Implementation and Case Studies' topics (including discussions in the recordings). Keep in mind the iterative and discovery nature of big data, plus that it can be an expensive undertaking requiring many different skill sets.
Information and sources
Outline the information and information sources that would be needed to deliver on the big data solution. They can be described in general terms such as 'customer sentiment from social media'. Also explain the categories of data (see 'Big Data Analytics - Overview and Challenges').
Big data technologies
Provide brief explanations of the technologies required to deliver the big data capability and an example of each one technology (eg: processing of streaming data - Apache Spark). The technology choices will depend on the data types of your information.
If you wish, use the Gartner Hype Cycles to recommend particular types of technologies, but don't focus on a specific tool or vendor (much like the first assignment). See the 'Big Data Technologies - Techniques' presentations.
High Level Architecture - your proposal should include a diagram of a high level architecture showing the different technologies and how they fit together.
Big data visualisation examples
Provide two examples (screen shots) of big data visualisations to give the audience an indication of what you would be providing them (or if you had built a prototype). Explain the visualisations. If you wish, build your own visualisation and include that as one of the screenshots. The more relevant to the business priority and organisation the better. The visualisations should be clearly based on big data, not small data.
Big data adoption challenges and governance
Finally include recommendations for how to address the challenges of big data adoption and big data analytics. See the 'Big Data Fundamentals - Benefits, Challenges, Management and Skills' and 'Big Data Technologies - Information Quality and Data Governance' and 'Big Data Analytics - Overview and Challenges' topics for ideas. The recommendations should also include recommendations for governance, dealing with quality and uncertainty.
Word limit - 3000 words +/- 10%. (2700 - 3300 words) and Please use the Harvard style of referencing in-text citations.
Attachment:- Assignment File - Big Data Report.rar