Develop project execution forms and reports

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Reference no: EM132818299

BSBPMG522 Undertake project work - Victoria University

Task 1- Administer and Monitor Project

This task comprises of product-based methods of assessment, a Case Study scenario and observation conducted in a simulated work environment.

You are required to:

• develop project execution forms and reports based on given scenarios,
• meet with the project team to discuss matters related to project execution and coach the team on skills and knowledge that will support them in achieving the desired project outcomes.

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to:

• provide support for project team members, especially with regard to specific needs, to ensure that the quality of the expected outcomes of the project and documented timelines are met,
• establish and maintain required record-keeping systems throughout the project,
• implement and monitor plans for managing project finances, resources and quality,
• complete and forward project reports as required to stakeholders,
• undertake risk management as required to ensure project outcomes are met,
• work towards achieving project deliverables.


Using the workplace scenario information provided, you will work collaboratively with your project team to administer and monitor a project (initiated, planned and discussed in Task 2) in order to achieve the project deliverables.
1. Review the assessment scenario, the business documentation, including policies and procedures, and the project planning templates provided:
o Appendix 1 - Scenario at the end of this document,
o Policies and Procedures - provided in a separate folder,
o Templates:
• 1 - Risk Assessment form at 25% timeframe in Task 3.1,
• 2 - Issues log at 50% timeframe in Task 3.1,
• 3 - Change request form at 50% timeframe in Task 3.1,
• 4 - Status Report at 25% timeframe in Task 3.1,
• 5 - Status Report at 50% timeframe in Task 3.1,
• 6 - Status Report at 75% timeframe in Task 3.1,
• 7 - Meeting Minutes in Task 3.2.

2. Determine monitoring and record-keeping system requirements from the scenario for project as planned.
3. Determine personal need for support.
4. Meet with the team at least on one occasion in week 5 of class to:
a. discuss monitoring and record-keeping systems as required by the organisation,
b. discuss risk processes for identifying risks and risk management approaches,
c. discuss project execution,
d. coach and mentor the team on one of the following topics:
• project quality management,
• risk management,
• conflict management,
• time management,
• manage stress.
Note: Minutes of the meetings must be completed and submitted. The meeting will be observed by the assessor. Arrange suitable time with the team member and assessor (to observe). Undertake risk management as per your project plan. Provide risk management reports (may include change requests and/or issues logs). Use or adapt the templates provided.
5. Ensure you adhere to budgetary constraints and timelines. All resources and time spent on the project will count towards expenditure.
6. Submit documentation as per specifications below.

Complete the following activities:

Task 3.1 Status Reports

Consider that the scenarios described in Appendix 1 - Scenario at the end of this document have happened at 25%, 50%, 75% timeframe as described.

Develop the following status reports to meet the record-keeping system requirements:
1. A risk assessment form to the attention of the project manager for the risk identified at 25% timeframe. (Template 1),
2. An issue log for the issues arisen at 50% timeframe. (Template 2),
3. A change form to request the changes needed as part of the issue resolution strategy for the issues arisen at 50% timeframe. (Template 3),
4. 3 status reports at 25%, 45%, 75% timeframe. Write a brief email with a summary of the content of the reports when forwarding them to the project sponsor. (Templates 4,5,6).

Task 3.2 Manage the team

Meet with the team on at least one occasion in week 5 of class to:
a. discuss monitoring and record-keeping systems as required by the organisation,
b. discuss risk processes for identifying risks and risk management approaches,
c. report on and review any issue related to project execution,
d. coach and mentor the team on one of the following topics:
• project quality management,
• risk management,
• conflict management,
• time management,
• manage stress,
Complete the minutes of the meetings (Template 7).
The meeting is an observable task, and the trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance in the meeting using an observation checklist.
Undertake the coaching session using suitable tools. For example, you could use one or more of the following:
• prepare coaching notes,
• use the whiteboard,
• prepare a powerpoint presentation,
• prepare a brief handout,
• use a video to record the session.
Submit any relevant evidence (for example, a picture of the whiteboard, a copy of the handout or the PowerPoint presentation) with your assessment.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to organise the meeting with the team.


Task 4

Task 4 - Finalise and Review Project

This task comprises of product-based methods of assessment in a simulated work environment.

You are required to:

• undertake a post-project review meeting with the project team,
• complete a budget variation report,
• complete a handover report,
• complete a project review report,
• obtain approval to finalise the project.

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to:

• achieve project deliverables,
• complete financial record-keeping associated with project and check for accuracy,
• ensure transition of staff involved in project to new roles or reassignment to previous roles,
• complete project documentation and obtain necessary signoffs for concluding project,
• review project outcomes and processes against the project scope and plan,
• involve team members in the project review,
• document lessons learned from the project and report within the organisation.

You are required to address the following:

• Task 4.1 Finalise and review the project:
o produce the following reports:
• post project review meeting minutes,
• budget variation report,
• handover report,
• post-project review report.
o obtain approval to finalise the project.
• Meet the word count where required,
• Use the scenario provided,
• Use the templates provided where required,
• For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria,
• If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence.


Using the workplace scenario information provided, you will work collaboratively with your project team to finalise a project (initiated, planned and managed in Task 2 and 3).
1. Review the assessment scenario, the business documentation (including policies and procedures), the work completed at project initiation, planning and execution phase and the project planning templates provided:
o Policies and Procedures - provided in a separate folder,
o Templates:
» 1 - Post project review meeting in Task 4.1,
» 2 - Budget variation report in Task 4.1,
» 3 - Handover report in Task 4.1,
» 4 - Project review report in Task 4.1,
» 5- Project Finalisation Approval.

2. Reflect on your work in this assessment when defining, planning and delivering the project.
3. In consultation with your project team, complete the financial record-keeping for the project:
a. compare budgeted spending with actual spending,
b. produce a budget variation report.
4. In consultation with your project team and management, assign project team members to roles. Obtain agreement on new roles and responsibilities.
5. Produce a handover report for the Project Sponsor (the trainer and assessor) for sign-off.
6. In consultation with your project team:
a. review the project's outcomes against objectives, including budgetary performance,
b. review team processes,
c. review the project management tools used, evaluate their contribution to the project and discuss possible alternatives,
d. discuss lessons learned from implementation of the project.
7. Produce a post-project review report for all stakeholders, including the Board of Directors, containing:
a. a review of project outcomes against objectives, including budgetary performance,
b. a review of team processes,
c. a review of the project management tools used, an evaluation of their contribution to the project and any recommendations for alternative tools for use in the future,
d. a discussion of lessons learned from implementation of the project,
e. recommendations for the implementation of future projects based on the lessons learned, ensuring your report takes account of specific organisational requirements, e.g. legislative requirements and strategic plans.
8. Submit documentation as per specifications.

Complete the following activities:

Task 4.1 Finalise and review the project

The project is now completed. Meet with the team and reflect on how the project was planned and delivered and produce the following reports:
• post project review meeting,
• budget variation report,
• handover report,
• post-project review report.

Attachment:- Undertake project work.rar

Verified Expert

Summary of this assignment is the assignment is based on XYZ coffee product expansion program. Here in this task we discussed about Risk Assessment, Issues log, Status Report at 25% timeframe, Status Report at 50% timeframe, and Status Report at 75% timeframe. Further discussion comprise of action taken to ensure project team members are clear about their responsibilities and the project requirements. This task comprises of product-based methods of assessment, a Case Study scenario and observation conducted in a simulated work environment.

Reference no: EM132818299

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